四国のすごい! Shikoku’s that is awesome! 了不起的四国![四国EPOがすごいと思った四国の環境情報をお知らせします]

昔から使われてきた生活雑貨から見える循環型社会における課題/ Encouraging a recycle-based society through old houseware items/ 从古来使用的生活杂货看循环型社会的课题







■Encouraging a recycle-based society through old houseware items

 Ehime Global Network went to interview a farmer, Mr. Terada, who makes custom-made zori (Japanese traditional sandals) for customers all around Japan, while still doing his farmer’s job in a village located on the border between Tokushima and Kagawa prefectures. He is the only man in Shikoku who grows Nanashima rush – a type of plant in the family of grasses – and makes zori to live. The rush is scientifically called Cyperus monophyllus Vahl and it is in a same category with papyrus which was used in ancient Egypt. The rush was grown in Tokara archipelago and brought into the Japanese mainland for cultivation later. The rush is used to make surface of Ryukyu-Tatami, and tatami floorings for use in Buddhism rooms, judo areas, etc. because of its high air permeability, high resistance to frictional wear and a feature which it gets a more beautiful luster the longer you use it. The production of Nanashima rush in Japan is now in severe decline due to reduced demand caused by synthetic fibers and cheap import material. It gets harder and harder to produce the rush even in Oita, the main production area.

 The durability of the rare zori is around two years. Wear a pair of zori for a long time with care and maintenance of the thong and the sole so it gets to fit and become a part of your body. Wearing the zori with the favor of Mother Nature is a completely different idea from fitting modern day shoes.

 Production and consumption are on SDGs and getting more and more attention today. The situation of the circle of zori production and consumption doesn’t look great to achieve sustainability but Mr. Terada keeps trying to make his farming life sustainable.
How much the change of people’s lifestyle and consumption can answer the challenge? I realized not only zori but every other tradition and their inheritance faces a similar problem.



据说,他是四国唯一自己种植茳芏并且以编织草鞋为生的人了。茳芏读作jiāng dù,跟古埃及草纸使用的纸莎草「papyrus」同属莎草科,古时现今的吐噶喇列島有栽培,带到国内栽培后开始普及。





愛媛の高校生グループwakuwaku-youthのグローカルな取り組み/ Glocal Activities by Waku Waku Youth, a group of high school students in Ehime/ 爱媛县高中生组织wakuwaku-youth的全球本地化实践











■Glocal Activities by Waku Waku Youth, a group of high school students in Ehime

  “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) is an international program scheduled to operate from the years 2016 to 2030. It is essential for achieving these goals to do continuous activities to create the sustainable society in each region and the involvement of variety of generations.

 In March of 2017, seven high school students from Ehime began a group called “Waku Waku Youth,” whose keyword is “SDGs” and whose goal is to do what they can in their local area. They are trying to create a place where youth can learn and educate each other in order to look for what youth can do with their capability and solve glocal problems like international relations, education deficits, environmental challenges, etc. “Fair trade” is one of the themes they’ve been focusing on since the start of the group. Fair trade is a trading method with fairness and consideration for producers. Fair trade is related to the goal #1, “No Poverty”, goal #12 “Responsible Consumption and Production,” and some more SDG goals and also has deep connection with the ideas of “ethical consumption” and “thoughtful consumption” which is getting more attention in Shikoku recently.

 At the end of March, they visited Zushi Kanagawa, the third city to be qualified as a fair trade town in Japan. With the help of Fair Trade Town Zushi, they met and discussed about city development with local government and a citizens group, with the mayor of the city, and young people. They also took part in the “Fair Trade Festival in Kagawa” held in cooperation with “Sanuki Marchais in Sunport” in Takamatsu, Kagawa, on May 21. Waku Waku Youth sold fair trade goods and interviewed about fair trade to visitors. They also had a chance to talk to local students and deepened their thoughts so they could gain a clue to keep their activities well. They have learned global concepts like ESD and SDGs and have been trying to find things they can do locally since the launch of the group. One new activity is to make a booklet which explains fair trade. One example they will give are the hair bands with large embroidered buttons on them that are handmade by village women in Mozambique. This participation in the small-scale economy helps Mozambican women to be independent yet productive. Waku Waku Youth has requested of barber shops in Ehime to sell these hair-bands in their shops.

 The glocal activities of Waku Waku Youth to create a sustainable society are remarkable.







不仅如此,他们还参加了5月21日于香川县高松市举办的、由「Sanuki Marche in Sunport」协办的“香川公平贸易节(Fair Trade Festival in Kagawa)”,体验了公平贸易商品的贩售,进行了来场者问卷调查,开展了公平贸易的宣传活动,并且与参加同活动的香川本地的高中生、大学生交流,加深了青少年间的共同学习,收获了关于今后活动的重要启示。




徳島県神山町から始まったアドプト・プログラム/ Adopt Program started from Kamiyama, Tokushima/ 发端于德岛县神山町的领养计划




■Adopt Program started from Kamiyama, Tokushima

 The “Adopt Program,” in which local people or companies take care of their roads and rivers, is now widely spread around Japan. The very first town to adopt that program was Kamiyama, Tokushima. Twenty years ago, in June of 1998, four citizens’ groups held a cleanup campaign for the first time. The cause of this program is when Mr. Ominami, the board chairman of Green Valley, saw California’s “adopt a highway” program which companies clean stretches of highway. He realized that this kind of system would be necessary in Japan soon.

 At that time in Kamiyama, the International Communication Association was formed and a new movement to revitalize the town with art and environment had just begun. The “Adopt Program,” which was very successful in the USA but no adaptation in Japan, was set to be the core of the environment project. They wanted to make trash-free streets as a way of cultural expression. Green Valley proposed the project to the local government but the government declined funding of road signs with a company’s name on them. In response, the group started their own project. They themselves built road signs with sponsors’ names on them and local people volunteered to clean up streets around the town every two months.

 In October 1999, about a year after the program started, they finally got support from the prefectural government for road signs and the clean-up project became an ordered program called “Tokushima OUR Road Adopt Project.” This program quickly spread to 46 other prefectures across Japan. There are partnerships by 374 municipalities and over 2.5 million participants with around 500 programs (according to The Beverage Industry Environment Beautification Association).

■发端于德岛县神山町的领养计划(Adopt Program)

 领养计划(Adopt Program)指的是由当地居民或企业负责管理道路河流的企划,现已在日本全国展开。最初引进的是德岛县神山町——1998年6月,町内的4家民间团体第一次开展了捡拾道路垃圾的活动,距今已经20年。追本溯源,Green Valley理事长大南氏访问美国时,在加利福尼亚州的高速公路上看到了企业负责清扫道路的“Adopt A Highway”(领养一条高速公路吧!)标语,直觉感到日本未来也必然需要这样的企划。

 当时,神山町创立了国际交流协会,确定了以环境和艺术为两大支柱、营造城市活力的动向。这样的环境支柱,即为美国卓有成效却尚未引入日本的Adopt Program。路无垃圾,是一种文化的表现。

 相关提案应运而生,然而根据道路法规定,不能设立印有企业团体名称的看板。多番尝试无果后,Adopt Program作为自发活动启动了。居民自发设立印有赞助商名称的看板,开始每两个月清扫一次町内的国道和县道。

 活动开始1年后,在县里的协助下,解决了设置看板的费用,也成立了捡垃圾的居民志愿者组织。1999年10月,“德岛县OUR ROAD领养事业”诞生了。此后瞬间推广到了全国46都道府县、今天的374个自治体,成为了拥有500个企划、超过250万人参与(2016年3月末,公益社团法人食品容器环境美化协会调查结果)的伟大的合作实践。