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第5回四国環境パートナーシップ表彰/ 5th Shikoku Environmental Partnership Award/ 第五届四国环境合作伙伴表彰












■5th Shikoku Environmental Partnership Award

     After a panel of judges, 6 organizations got awards in ESD Environmental Education Division and Regional Issue Resolution Division at 5th Shikoku Environmental Partnership Award.


■Partnership Grand Prize (Regional Issue Resolution Division)
Activity Name: Changing of lifestyle by promotion of ethical consumption and realization of carbon neutral society. 
Organization Name: Tokushima Prefectural Kamiita municipal Takashi elementary school (Tokushima)

■Excellence Award (Regional Issue Resolution Division)
Activity Name: Environmental and Social innovation leading to regional revitalization with developing eco-friendly products. 
Organization Name: Green recycle for social eco-project team (Tokushima)

■Excellence Award (Regional Issue Resolution Division)
Activity Name: Environmental Conservation activity with united of public and private sector in Egawa river area
Organization Name: NPO Egawa Ecofriend (Tokushima)

■Excellence Award (Regional Issue Resolution Division)
Activity Name: Enlightenment of SDGs activity and building mutual support network
Kagawa branch, Organization Name: Mitsui Sumitomo Marine & Fire Insurance Co.,Ltd (Kagawa)

■Excellence Award (Regional Issue Resolution Division)
Activity Name: Contribution for sustainable society by conserving mountain village area
Organization Name: NPO Okushionoe Koryu Volunteer Association (Kagawa)

■Excellence Award (ESD Environmental Education Division)
Activity Name: Washi paper research group in the technical club of Ino business High School  
Organization Name: Kochi Prefectural Ino Business High School(Kochi)

     In early March, the ceremony was held with  limited attendance at main and satellite venues  in order to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus. The venues were connected by a video conference system, and with the keynote speech by Muroto UNESCO Global Geopark, the awarding of certificates of commendation at the venues, presentations of awarded activities and comments by panel judges, it was a good opportunity to learn from each case in the Shikoku region. The networking event  was cancelled this time, so comments and advice on the distributed post-it notes would be summarized and given back to the awarded organizations later.

     We at Shikoku EPO would like to continue creating opportunities for others to learn and realize how to better collaborate and make their current activities more sustainable in the future.



■合作伙伴大奖 (地域课题决策部门)



团体名:三井住友海上火灾保险 高松支行(香川县)





四国の山あいの工場でつくる、安心・安全なオーガニック布団/ A safe and secure organic futon made at a factory in the mountains of Shikoku/四国山间工厂制造的安心・安全有机棉被


1988年の創業以来、原料にとどまらず、最終製品に至るすべての工程において有害化学物質が検出されないオーガニックを追求し、最終製品は一つひとつブラックライトで蛍光反応がないことを確認する徹底ぶり。このことを消費者に理解してもらうため、2005年から毎年、日本でも数少ないオーガニック繊維認定工場として、エコサート(ECOCERT/フランス)による実施検査を受け、世界的なオーガニックの繊維基準であるGOTS(Global Organic Textile Standard)、OCS(Organic Content Standard)の二種類の基準をクリアしている。





■A safe and secure organic futon made at a factory in the mountains of Shikoku

     Otoyo-cho is located in the middle of the Shikoku Mountains, upstream of the Yoshino River, in Kochi Prefecture where has a high rate of aging and population decline. There is a factory of the company Heart (head office: Kochi City) that manufactures organic bedding while facing local issues in one of the industrial parts in this town.

     Since founding in 1988, the company aimed perfect organic without hazardous chemicals detected in all processes. The final products are confirmed thoroughly one by one with a black light so it has no fluorescent response. To let consumers understand this, every year since 2005, it has cleared as one of the few organic products in Japan certified textile factory, by ECOCERT (France) ,a global organic GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and OCS (Organic ContentStandard).

     The world’s largest accreditation is strictly checked including every year all distribution, manufacturing and warehouse inspections, and employee’s work environment and promoting the employees to understand is required as well. Dozens workers are female employees, they can easily take time off for childcare, nursing care, and family reasons etc. They work together to cover each other’s work and create a comfortable workplace.

     Pillows made with safe Japanese buckwheat hulls and safe and comfortable futons which have been repeatedly cottoned,are popular with consumers. Especially pillow bags made from organic cotton which is buckwheat husk and tick-free is washable, highly designed and keep the cleanness.

     Otoyo-cho is the base of making bedding that focuses on safety. While products are becoming popular overseas, they value the connection with the community as well. The management that focuses on using organic products from creation to usage is promoting a virtuous cycle to improve local employment,environment health issues.

HeadOffice: 4-18 Kitacanada Kochi-shi, Kochi 780-0073 JAPAN
Factory: Ootoyo-cho, Kochi



 1988年创业以来,该工厂彻底实施有机方针,力求从原料开始到最终制品的全部过程不检出任何有害化学物,最终制品在紫光灯下连一次荧光反应都没有出现。为了得到消费者的理解,2005年开始毎年,作为日本少数的有机纤维认定工厂,接受来自ECOCERT(法国)的检查,批准合格了两种世界级别的有机纤维标准GOTS(Global Organic Textile Standard)和OCS(Organic Content Standard)。





上板町立高志小学校が地域と協働で進める食品ロス削減の取組/ Elementary School to reduce food loss in collaboration with local communities/上板町立高志小学校与地域共同协作推进的削减食品浪费活动






■Elementary School to reduce food loss in collaboration with local communities

     Kamiita Municipal Takashi Elementary School has begun a full-scale implementation of ESD and SDGs educational activities focusing on clothing and food with the theme of connecting the local natural environment to the life of animals and plants. With the cooperation producers, such as JA, NPOs, companies, governments, etc., they demonstrate the significance of reducing food loss and the importance of local industry through the use of nonstandard agricultural products for school lunches. In 2019, Kamiita Municipal Takashi Elementary became the model school in Kamiita-cho conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology because of its lunch utilization project that addresses social issues and practical studies on reducing food loss through local production and consumption.

     The first task was to harvest discarded crops. They harvested fruits and vegetables that can not be sold in stores because of their shape or size and used them for school lunches to reduce post-harvest losses. With the cooperation of producers, third-, fourth-, and sixth-year students harvest about 300 kg of carrots, about 80 kg of broccoli, and about 100 peaches during spring and summer. They sent them to the Sixth Support Facility were they processed them for school meals and they could be stored frozen. These were used for about 1,100 children’s lunches in kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school. To reduce food residue, the school lunch center also took measures such as peeling carrots and using cabbage cores and was able to reduce food residue from 26.2㎏ last year to 15.9㎏ this year on average. Also, since the sixth graders learned that the ranch in the town uses discarded Naruto Kintoki (a kind of sweet potato) as food, they proposed to provide the vegetable residue to the ranch. Since May, the final residue was close to none (excluding onions and green onions that are not suitable for feeding pigs). From May to September, about 1t of vegetable residue was reduced.

      In addition, the school prepared a school lunch menu that captures children’s needs using seasonal ingredients and does not cause food loss. From September, students in grades 4, 5, 6 and their teachers, the Kamiitacho Health and Welfare Division, groups promoting local production for local consumption, and school lunch center dietitians discussed delicious and food loss less school lunch menu for about 1,100 kindergartens, elementary schools and junior high school students in the town. One of the seven menus proposed by the dietitian was selected, the taste and color image was considered, and an arrangement was added based on the information collected using the tablet app. The menu we decided on after the discussion was a potage of sweet potatoes called “nutritious sweets”. This menu was offered for lunch on October 31, and was commented as “Amazing and delicious” and “Good with bread”.

     The Takashi Elementary School and Kamiitacho School Lunch Center held discussions with related organizations so that efforts could be continued to the next year, to create a system in which initiatives to reduce food loss. Also, we have established a cooperative system with government offices, JA, facilities for the promotion of sixth-order facilities, restaurants that promote local production for local consumption, and producers. Currently, with the proposal and cooperation of the Kamiitamachi Industry Division and JA Itano-gun, a list is being created for producers for each crop created. Thanks to it, the number of producers who can cooperate in secondary harvesting, and cooperate to utilize post-harvest losses is increasing.

     At Takashi Elementary School, trying to learn the importance of reducing food loss with the five senses experience will lead to the development of children who will create the new value that the SDGs aim for. These efforts are being recognized, and in February 2019, they were selected the 9th ESD Grand Prize for Elementary School for the first time in Shikoku. Children who are thinking about sustainable town development, utilizing local resources are now growing up with the support of local people.


 上板町立高志小学校从2017年度正式开始了ESD、SDGs的实践活动,以衣与食为中心,以保护地域自然环境与动植物生命为主题,开展了教育活动。具体来说,就是通过生产者、JA、NPO、企业、行政等共同协作,将不符合标准规格的农产物作为学校午餐的原材料利用,传达削减食品浪费和本地产业的重要性。 2019年度,成为文部科学省实施的灵活利用学校午餐解答社会课题的上板町模范学校,开始了通过地产地消削减食物浪费的实践研究。

 首先开始的活动是,为了减少收获后的损失,将田地里不符合标准规格的蔬菜水果等、作废的农作物收获(二次收获),利用到学校午餐中。在生产者的帮助下, 3、4、6年级的学生从春天到夏天,共收获了约300㎏胡萝卜、约80㎏西兰花、约100个桃子,然后在六次化支持施设加工成为能够用于学校午餐的状态,冷冻保存。这些食品为町内的幼儿园、小学校、中学校的约1,100名人提供了午餐。为了削减食物残余,午餐中心也开始了胡萝卜不去皮、使用高丽菜心等的行动,去年有26.2㎏的食物残余,今年减少了到15.9㎏。不仅如此,6年级学生还在町内的牧场,学习将不符合标准规格的鸣门金时地瓜作为饲料利用,提出将蔬菜残余提供给牧场的方案,5月开始最终的残余几乎接近于零(除去不适合作为猪饲料的洋葱・葱)。5月到9月削减的蔬菜残余,大约有1t之多。

 不仅如此,为满足孩子们的需求,使用当季食材,减少食品浪费,他们还制作了新的学校午餐菜单,被使用学校午餐。 9月开始,4、5、6年级学生和年级老师、上板町福祉保健课、地产地消推进团体、以及学校午餐中心营养师共同讨论,探讨思考了为町内的幼儿园、 小学、中学约1,100名学生全员提供美味且不浪费的学校午餐菜单。从营养师提出的7种菜单中选择一种,考虑味道和颜色,参考使用平板App收集的信息,予以整合。讨论最终决定,将さつまいものポタージュ(地瓜奶油汤)「栄養たっぷりさつまージュ(营养满满地瓜汤)」作为菜单。这一菜单在10月31日提供给了学生们,受到了「真甜真好吃」「很适合配面包」的好评,被一扫而光。

