
昔から使われてきた生活雑貨から見える循環型社会における課題/ Encouraging a recycle-based society through old houseware items/ 从古来使用的生活杂货看循环型社会的课题







■Encouraging a recycle-based society through old houseware items

 Ehime Global Network went to interview a farmer, Mr. Terada, who makes custom-made zori (Japanese traditional sandals) for customers all around Japan, while still doing his farmer’s job in a village located on the border between Tokushima and Kagawa prefectures. He is the only man in Shikoku who grows Nanashima rush – a type of plant in the family of grasses – and makes zori to live. The rush is scientifically called Cyperus monophyllus Vahl and it is in a same category with papyrus which was used in ancient Egypt. The rush was grown in Tokara archipelago and brought into the Japanese mainland for cultivation later. The rush is used to make surface of Ryukyu-Tatami, and tatami floorings for use in Buddhism rooms, judo areas, etc. because of its high air permeability, high resistance to frictional wear and a feature which it gets a more beautiful luster the longer you use it. The production of Nanashima rush in Japan is now in severe decline due to reduced demand caused by synthetic fibers and cheap import material. It gets harder and harder to produce the rush even in Oita, the main production area.

 The durability of the rare zori is around two years. Wear a pair of zori for a long time with care and maintenance of the thong and the sole so it gets to fit and become a part of your body. Wearing the zori with the favor of Mother Nature is a completely different idea from fitting modern day shoes.

 Production and consumption are on SDGs and getting more and more attention today. The situation of the circle of zori production and consumption doesn’t look great to achieve sustainability but Mr. Terada keeps trying to make his farming life sustainable.
How much the change of people’s lifestyle and consumption can answer the challenge? I realized not only zori but every other tradition and their inheritance faces a similar problem.



据说,他是四国唯一自己种植茳芏并且以编织草鞋为生的人了。茳芏读作jiāng dù,跟古埃及草纸使用的纸莎草「papyrus」同属莎草科,古时现今的吐噶喇列島有栽培,带到国内栽培后开始普及。



