
森からの贈りもの:日本で唯一の木毛(もくめん)づくり/ Gift From the Forest: Japan’s Only Mokumen Maker / 森林的礼物:制作日本唯一的木毛









有限会社戸田商行: https://www.toda-shoko.com

■Gift From the Forest: Japan’s Only Mokumen Maker

Toda Shoko Co., Ltd. in Tosa, Kochi, is the only company in Japan that produces mokumen (wood wool). What is mokumen? Put simply, it is a bundle of long, slender wood shavings which has been traditionally used to protect goods, and which was once manufactured all over Japan. However, with the spread of cheap plastic-based packing materials, the number of factories producing mokumen began to decrease, until eventually only Toda Shoko was left.

Toda Shoko continues to produce mokumen because it is an easily recyclable and environmentally friendly product that uses local materials, it helps with forest management in Kochi, which is 84% forests, and most importantly, they have a strong desire to pass on the reliable manufacturing techniques and knowledge they inherited from their predecessors.

For that reason, all of the wood they use is sourced from inside Kochi, and the products they make are recognized as carbon offsets under the Kochi J-VER Scheme.

Four varieties of trees are used in the production of mokumen — pine, Japanese cedar, Japanese cypress and camphor tree — and all the materials are processed in-house. After removing the bark with a general-purpose barker, the wood is cut to fit into the mokumen manufacturing machines. Then, using the five machines that have been in operation since the company opened sixty years ago, as well as one more bought recently, the craftsmen and women carefully shave it into strips while watching the grain. However, the resulting mokumen is too moist to use as-is, and must be dried. The fuel used for the drying process is the leftover scraps from production like tree bark and wood chips.

After drying, the mokumen is weighed, packed and shipped both domestically and internationally. The factory can produce up to one ton of mokumen daily, and because every part of the raw wood is used in the production process, it doesn’t produce any wood waste.

Mokumen comes in three sizes, and is used for different applications depending on the elasticity from its size and the qualities of the wood used. For example, the thinnest pine mokumen is 1 mm wide and 0.1 mm thick, and is used as a filling for dolls and as a packing for fruit with thin skin. On the other hand, the same width but 0.15 mm thick is used as a packing material for things like fruit, ham, cheese, ceramics and bottles.

In addition, the company is expanding its product line to include products that utilize the unique properties of each kind of wood in various ways. Some examples are a sachet that takes advantage of Japanese cypress’s calming scent, shoe trees that take advantage of camphor tree’s insect-repellent property, and wreathes and bouquets that use the whiteness of pine.

With the recent increase in people’s consciousness toward sustainability, interest has grown in mokumen as an all natural packing material. And while the mokumen made from Toda Shoko’s passion for forests and crafting skills passed down from their founder certainly fulfills that role, it is also so much more. It is a gift from the forest, and a messenger conveying Kochi’s 84% forestation.

Toda Shoko Homepage: https://www.toda-shoko.com











四国西予ジオの至宝/ The treasure of Shikoku Seiyo Geopark/ 四国西予地质公园的宝藏

 何か冒険を想起するようなワクワクするネーミング! ジオとは、ジオパークを指し、四国西予ジオパークにおいて育まれた珠玉の商品とのこと。これはしっかりチェックしたい!!ということで、四国西予ジオパーク推進協議会事務局長・高橋司さんにお話しをうかがいました。














四国西予ジオの至宝 http://seiyo-geo.jp/sihou/

The treasure of Shikoku Seiyo Geopark

     Geo, which is short for “Geopark,”  is an exciting name associated with adventure! “Geo also refers to the wonderful products made there. To know more about them, we interviewed Tsukasa Takahashi, the executive director of the Seiyo Geopark promotion committee.  

[The unique features of Shikoku Seiyo Geopark]

     With the merger of 4 eastern Uwa district towns (Uwa, Nomura, Shirokawa and Akehama town) and Mekame town in Nishi-uwa district in 2004,it became bordered by Kochi prefecture and the Shikoku karst plateau on the east, and the Uwakai Sea with its ria coastline on the west. The elevations range from 1400 meters to sea level, and it boasts a varied topology and a plethora of geological features. In order to promote these unique points and foster a sense of unity in the newly merged city, activities were undertaken to make the geopark a central focus of the city’s policies and measures, and in September, 2013 (Heisei 25) the Japan Geopark Committee recognized the entire city as a Japanese Geopark.

     The key feature of the area is its geological diversity, lined on the east and west by geological strata showing ancient changes in the earth from before the formation of the Japanese archipelago, including some of the the oldest rocks in Japan dating back more than 400 million years. Another important feature is the way people live in harmony with the diverse and abundant nature on the sea and in villages and mountains.

[The treasure of Shikoku Seiyo Geopark]

     Gourmet food is also an important feature of the Geopark since food has a deep connection to landform and geology. With elevations ranging from sea level to 1,400 meters, the geopark produces a variety of products and processed foods such as seafood, citrus fruits, rice, grapes, chestnuts, daily products and more, which are promoted and sold as “Blessings of Geopark”.

     However, while the large variety of products is one of its strengths, it was difficult to differentiate them from those from other regions. In order to address this problem, excellent products in the “Blessings of Geopark” brand that meet high standards in terms of marketability, safety, originality, and ability to tell a story about the land, and which highlight the area’s topography, geology and the activities of the people living there, were selected as “Treasures of Shikoku Seiyo Geopark” and promoted to raise awareness of the geopark. 

     Now, 9 products are approved such as Okuti horse mackerel and processed goods, pearl necklace produced in Akehama area, Tariki-mai rice, “Forest Romance” Camembert cheese, “Shikoku karst plateau natural water Zokkon”, Mame-douraku tofu.

     In their homepage, conditions of nature such as topology and a plethora of geological features and climate and message from producers conditions which leads to the excellence of Geopark are introduced as “Story” with powerful pictures.Succeeded with their attitude of making the most of  wisdom of generous nature blessing and techniques, and also expectation with meeting people, “Let’s go and enjoy in Seiyo city” after the Covid 19 situation is settled.

Reconstruction After the 2018 Japan Floods

     The torrential rains that struck western Japan in July 2018 caused tremendous damage to various areas of Seiyo City, and the reconstruction is still ongoing. According to Mr. Takahashi, the disaster has renewed his desire to promote the geopark project more than ever. “I believe that it is vital for us to strengthen our awareness of the importance of carrying out activities meaningful to the region and the earth, and for the organizations, groups, businesses, and government agencies that support geoparks to share information and work together.”

     How can we produce and convey diverse, high-quality local resources? I have high expectations for the development of geopark activities that overlap with the construction of a Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere.

Treasures of Shikoku Seiyo Geopark http://seiyo-geo.jp/sihou/
(Shikoku Seiyo Geopark > Blessings of Geopark > Treasures of Shikoku Seiyo Geopark)














四国西予的地质宝藏 http://seiyo-geo.jp/sihou/

香川県立三本松高等学校「三高みんなの食堂」/ The Cafeteria for Everyone” Kagawa Prefectural Sanbonmatsu High-School/ 香川县立三本松高中「三高大家的食堂」







“The Cafeteria for Everyone” Kagawa Prefectural Sanbonmatsu High-School

     Kagawa Prefectural Sanbonmatsu High School, in east-Kagawa City, reopened its school cafeteria on September 23, 2020. The innovation of the school cafeteria started when the principal learned that many students were not eating much local ingredients due to management difficulties and the number of decreasing cafeterias. He wanted them to eat delicious local food at the cafeteria, and wanted it to be a place for the students to learn and interact with each other and the community. They renewed the cafeteria management and started to purchase fresh products by outsourcing to a local agricultural corporation. This benefits both the school, and the corporation, as it gives it stable sales of ingredients and also secures employment. Also, the staff gets the satisfaction of knowing they are responsible for providing safe food for the high school students.

     In addition, tableware lacquer and trays that were collecting dust in the local warehouse are now being used. Because they had been carefully used then stored for a long time, these trays are now more “fashionable” to the students, and they also contribute to the decrease in the use of plastic.

     The school is also making efforts to utilize the cafeteria as a place for learning and experience. Students are more than just customers. With the renewal of the school cafeteria, all the students participate in the “The Cafeteria for Everyone Project” and are a part of creating a good cafeteria together. In addition, they recruited students who will act as project leaders. Twenty-four applicants in the 1st to 3rd grades will be divided into a public relations team, a design team, a general affairs team, etc. Where the main activities in the high school life are studying and club activities, they manage their time well to be involved in creating the cafeteria. The hand-written menu with illustrations demonstrates the individuality and abilities of the students. The sign at the entrance is also handmade. The colorful sign made from this patchwork is actually made of leather. The glove industry is thriving in east-Kagawa City, and scraps usually go to waste, but graduates working for the company provided them with this scraps of leather, and they were able to recreate it as a beautiful sign.

     The sustainable school cafeteria creation will continue. As the name “The Cafeteria for Everyone” suggests, the involvement of the entire region is the great feature of this cafeteria.




此外、我们还努力利用餐厅作为学生学习和体验的场所。学生不仅仅是客人。随着学校食堂的翻新、所有学生都参与到「三高大家的食堂项目」中来、靠学生自己的能力亲自打造一家好食堂。更进一步、我们还招募了24名一至三年级学生、分别分成公共关系团队、设计团队和一般事务团队等、由他们作为项目带头人在校内负责各项工作。高中生活的主要活动中、如把学习和俱乐部活动中的善于管理自我的时间的能力、运用到食堂的运作之中。带有插图的手画菜单展现了学生的个性和能力、光看菜单也觉得耐人寻味。 此外、在入口处的门帘儿也是手工制作的。这种缝拼制作的五颜六色的门帘儿、实际上是皮革拼接而成的。东香川市的手套产业很兴旺、通常把碎片当作废物处理、由毕业生的手套公司把这种皮革碎片提供给我们、转废为宝使之变成了门帘儿。
