
ジオの鼓動と人と地域をつなぐ拠点 足摺宇和海国立公園竜串ビジターセンター「うみのわ」/ A Base Connecting People, Communities, and the Pulse of the Earth: Ashizuri Uwakai National Park Tatsukushi Visitor Center “Uminowa”/ 连接地理的心跳和人与社区的基地 足摺宇和海国立公园龙串游客中心「海之和」


・つ ど う:気軽に集い語り合う場の提供




・つ く る:人と人をつなぎ、多様性を活かした新たな価値を創造する











足摺宇和海国立公園竜串ビジターセンター うみのわ
〒787-0450 高知県土佐清水市三崎4032-2

■A Base Connecting People, Communities, and the Pulse of the Earth: Ashizuri Uwakai National Park Tatsukushi Visitor Center “Uminowa”

Ashizuri Uwakai National Park Tatsukushi Visitor Center “Uminowa” was established in March 2020 in Tatsukushi, Tosa Shimizu, in southwest Kochi. It has five basic functions to teach the next generation about the area’s unique natural features and culture:

・Gathering: It offers a place for casual conversation

・Informing: Providing a place to learn through information sharing and workshops.

・Inviting: Making connections with local nature and culture

・Investigating: Surveying and supporting research

・Creating: Connecting people and making new value with diversity

In this place, you can observe the rugged majesty of land shaped by upheaval and weathering. The Japanese islands were once a part of the mainland. Most of the land here was formed at that time, by the upheaval of the layers created by plate tectonics squeezing the mud and sand at the bottom of the sea against the land.

At the Tatsukushi coast, you can see the twisted geological strata created by the frequent earthquakes and underwater landslides that occurred when Japan broke away from the mainland and moved to its current position. Magma lifted the land eventually forming Ashizuri cape, and giving the area its current form. There are many strange rocks made by natural activity, movement of the earth and traces of living things. Though you may be tempted to rush straight to the coast, I recommend going to Uminowa first to get information about the area.

While you are there, don’t just look at and touch the exhibits, ask the staff for an explanation too. You’ll be able to get a threedimensional feel of things closely related with the area’s nature, such as the connection between the forest and the ocean, people’s lives, and industry. Your intellectual curiosity will be roused along with the drama of the earth.

Of course, you’ll want to snap pictures of the beautiful scenery, but I hope you also take the time to really think about the drama of the land and all the things that lived on it.

For example, brown oxidized round lumps called concretions were formed when the components of organic remains undergo a chemical reaction. These lumps dot the coast, stuck to other rocks, making for a mysterious sight. At Uminowa you can hold them in your hand and feel their weight for yourself. Learning that something similar exists on the surface of Mars might just open your mind to the possibility of life on other planets. The fossilized tunnels dug by mud shrimp. The lace-like pattern of tafoni clusters, formed when seawater soaks into sandstone and dries, crystalizing and opening up round holes in the stone. The ripple marks created by the movement of the water. Rarities of nature like these are sure to capture your interest!

On top of that, the area around Uminowa is full of places to check out if you want to learn more about the region and experience what it has to offer. You can enjoy sandy beaches formed from seashells and coral. At the Ashizura Aquarium SATOUMI, you can learn about the ecology of Tatsukushi Bay and the surrounding ocean. There are glass-bottomed boats you can ride to observe the coral and creatures living on the seafloor. Or, see them up close from the Ashizura Seabed Museum. There is also a gallery that displays gathered seashells, and a camp site!

By learning about the past, and being aware of how the region’s land and climate, ecology, and the connection between forests and the ocean all affect our current lifestyle, industry and culture, we can reevaluate our way of life and how we should shape our future.

At Uminowa, visitors can receive support in their play, learning, and experiences from staff with various specialties, including nature guides and sightseeing concierges. Additionally, groups of around 20 people can use the facilities as a space to gather and learn from each other. I sincerely hope you are able to use it as a base to experience the nature of Tatsukushi.

Ashizuri Uwakai National Park Tatsukushi Visitor Center “Uminowa”
4032-2 Misaki, Tosashimizu, Kochi 787-0450
e-mail:uminowa◎tosashimizu-geo.jp (When you send an e-mail, please replace the ◎ with @)

连接地理的心跳和人与社区的基地 足摺宇和海国立公园龙串游客中心「海之和」
















邮件:uminowa◎tosashimizu-geo.jp ◎→@

ゴミを出さない暮らし方を目指した新たなチャレンジ ―上勝町ゼロ・ウェイストセンター「WHY」―/ Recommitting to the Challenge of a Life Without Garbage: Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center “WHY”/ 不出垃圾的生活方式为目的的新的挑战:上胜町零垃圾中心「WHY」


1 ゼロ・ウェイストで、私たちの暮らしを豊かにします。
2 町でできるあらゆる実験やチャレンジを行い、ごみになるものをゼロにします。
3 ゼロ・ウェイストや環境問題について学べる仕組みをつくり、新しい時代のリーダーを排出します。








■Recommitting to the Challenge of a Life Without Garbage: Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center “WHY”

Kamikatsu, Tokushima was established in 2003 as Japan’s first “zero waste” town, and is famous for sorting its garbage into 45 different categories. While striving toward the goal of becoming fully zero waste by 2020, it achieved a recycling rate of 80%. Last year, the target year was reached, and on December 18 the town assembly unanimously approved a new Zero Waste Declaration with a target year of 2030. The primary goal of this new declaration is to cultivate people who can think about the

environment that future generations will live in as their own, and act accordingly. Therefore, the town will advance three measures:

1. Enrich our lives with zero waste

2. Enact every experiment and challenge possible as a town, and reduce the number of things that can become garbage to zero.

3. Create a system to study waste-free practices and environmental problems, and produce leaders for a new era.

To help accomplish this new goal, the Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center “WHY” was opened in April 2020. Viewed from the air, the facility has the shape of a question mark. It was built using disused sofas, doors, windows and other materials from in and out of town, and was specially designed so that it won’t become garbage when it is eventually dismantled.

Just like the old facility, the new facility contains the town’s sole garbage collection station, a stockyard, and the “Kurukuru Shop” where still-usable goods can meet their next owners. However, in addition to that it also has a hall that can be used for events or training, a coin-operated laundromat requested by the citizens of the town, offices and laboratories to facilitate cooperation with businesses and researchers, and a hotel where visitors can experience a garbage-free lifestyle.

By encouraging people to think about how they can live without creating garbage and working together with companies and researchers to solve the problem of the 20% of waste that can’t be recycled, WHY is focusing its efforts on new approaches to achieving Zero Waste.

Why buy that? Why throw that away? Why make that? Why sell that? The key to changing the future lies in reflecting on one’s own actions and asking one simple question: “WHY”.


■Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center “WHY”



1 零垃圾可丰富我们的生活。

2 在城里做各种各样实验和挑战,把产垃圾的东西降为零。








森からの贈りもの:日本で唯一の木毛(もくめん)づくり/ Gift From the Forest: Japan’s Only Mokumen Maker / 森林的礼物:制作日本唯一的木毛









有限会社戸田商行: https://www.toda-shoko.com

■Gift From the Forest: Japan’s Only Mokumen Maker

Toda Shoko Co., Ltd. in Tosa, Kochi, is the only company in Japan that produces mokumen (wood wool). What is mokumen? Put simply, it is a bundle of long, slender wood shavings which has been traditionally used to protect goods, and which was once manufactured all over Japan. However, with the spread of cheap plastic-based packing materials, the number of factories producing mokumen began to decrease, until eventually only Toda Shoko was left.

Toda Shoko continues to produce mokumen because it is an easily recyclable and environmentally friendly product that uses local materials, it helps with forest management in Kochi, which is 84% forests, and most importantly, they have a strong desire to pass on the reliable manufacturing techniques and knowledge they inherited from their predecessors.

For that reason, all of the wood they use is sourced from inside Kochi, and the products they make are recognized as carbon offsets under the Kochi J-VER Scheme.

Four varieties of trees are used in the production of mokumen — pine, Japanese cedar, Japanese cypress and camphor tree — and all the materials are processed in-house. After removing the bark with a general-purpose barker, the wood is cut to fit into the mokumen manufacturing machines. Then, using the five machines that have been in operation since the company opened sixty years ago, as well as one more bought recently, the craftsmen and women carefully shave it into strips while watching the grain. However, the resulting mokumen is too moist to use as-is, and must be dried. The fuel used for the drying process is the leftover scraps from production like tree bark and wood chips.

After drying, the mokumen is weighed, packed and shipped both domestically and internationally. The factory can produce up to one ton of mokumen daily, and because every part of the raw wood is used in the production process, it doesn’t produce any wood waste.

Mokumen comes in three sizes, and is used for different applications depending on the elasticity from its size and the qualities of the wood used. For example, the thinnest pine mokumen is 1 mm wide and 0.1 mm thick, and is used as a filling for dolls and as a packing for fruit with thin skin. On the other hand, the same width but 0.15 mm thick is used as a packing material for things like fruit, ham, cheese, ceramics and bottles.

In addition, the company is expanding its product line to include products that utilize the unique properties of each kind of wood in various ways. Some examples are a sachet that takes advantage of Japanese cypress’s calming scent, shoe trees that take advantage of camphor tree’s insect-repellent property, and wreathes and bouquets that use the whiteness of pine.

With the recent increase in people’s consciousness toward sustainability, interest has grown in mokumen as an all natural packing material. And while the mokumen made from Toda Shoko’s passion for forests and crafting skills passed down from their founder certainly fulfills that role, it is also so much more. It is a gift from the forest, and a messenger conveying Kochi’s 84% forestation.

Toda Shoko Homepage: https://www.toda-shoko.com









