森林とまちの活力を創造する!内子バイオマス発電所 / Revitalizing Forest and Town! Uchiko Biomass Power Plant / 创造森林和城镇的活力! 内子生物质发电厂




Revitalizing Forest and Town! Uchiko Biomass Power Plant
The Uchiko Biomass Power Plant finished construction in October 2018 and came online in 2019. It began selling electricity to Shikoku Electric Power Company in April of the same year, and to Minna Denryoku in October 2021. Currently it produces about 1,000 kW of electricity, or roughly the amount needed to power about 2,500 homes over one year. It is garnering attention as a form of community-based biomass power generation that effectively utilizes the resources of Uchiko Town, which is 77% forest.
*Calculated based on a figure of 3,254.4 kWh/year for one household (Source: Federation of Electric Power Companies, “Graphical Flip-chart of Nuclear & Energy Related Topics, 2015”)
■The white building in the center is the biomass power plant. To its left is the pellet production plant.
Though Uchiko Town boasts abundant forest resources, when planted forests are left alone for too long not only do they stop producing high-quality lumber, the risks of reduced water retention, topsoil runoff and landslides also increase. Moderate logging and thinning is necessary, but the decline in lumber production due to falling prices, along with what to do with wood that wasn’t collected after thinning or that was discarded for various reasons such as being bent, was becoming an issue.
And so, under the Uchiko Town Biomass Town Plan, the local company Naito Kogyo Co., Ltd. began utilizing the unused wood to make wood pellets, for use in pellet stoves and boilers in public facilities. However, the problem was that demand for this was limited to winter. In order to stabilize it throughout the year, a plan to make a pellet-powered power plant was devised. The Uchiko Biomass Power Plant was designed and constructed by SymEnergy Co., Ltd. (Kobe), with investments from local companies — centering around Naito Kogyo — and financing by local financial institutions. The adjoining Uchiko Forest Association is responsible for providing the raw lumber used to make the pellets.
■The plant also accepts inspections.
Producing the wood chips involves a number of processes. First, raw lumber is fed into a machine called a “chipper” and ground into fine chips. Because the water content is high, these chips are dried with warm air currents from burning tree bark and other waste materials, and then further processed into sawdust. Finally, the sawdust is run through a pellet-making machine, which presses and hardens it into granular pellets.
At the adjoining biomass power plant, gas is extracted from the pellets using a gasifier, which is used to fuel an engine generator and produce electricity. The hot water created as a byproduct is used to generate electricity, too.
Additionally, the ash generated during the drying stage of the pellet production process is added to cement and other materials and recycled as biomass stone, which is used as pavement for things like forest roads.
There is also a clever system for gathering the lumber used as raw materials for the pellets. Namely, the municipal “Lumberjack Market Project.” Shippers take unused materials to the Forest Association collection site via light truck, and the Association will buy it for 8,000 yen per ton: 5,000 yen to be paid in cash, and the remaining 3,000 yen to be paid as “Don Coupons” useable at around 50 local retailers (as of March 2022). In 2020, there were 576.6 tons shipped. In this way, a relatively high purchase price is established, promoting shipments and providing a stable source of raw lumber, while at the same time creating a system for money to circulate within the community.
In recognition of these initiatives, the Uchiko Biomass Power Plant was awarded the 2020 New Energy Award (New Energy Foundation Chairman’s Award) in the “community coexistence” category.
■The Uchiko Forest Association is adjacent.
Power generation using fossil fuels, which are dependent on foreign countries, produces CO2 which causes global warming. On the other hand, wood biomass power generation creates renewable energy from natural resources, and although it also emits CO2 it is considered carbon neutral because that CO2 is absorbed when trees grow in the forest, meaning that when looked at from a broader point of view there is no net addition to the overall level of CO2 in the atmosphere. In addition, because the Uchiko Biomass Power Plant does not purchase forest resources from distant regions or overseas, but rather utilizes unused resources from the forests around Uchiko Town, the CO2 emissions and labor associated with transportation are minimized. And, because the funds for the purchase of forest resources are reinvested in the community instead of being diverted to other regions, it also contributes to the revitalization of the region. Further, by increasing demand for regional forest resources, people will tend to the forests more, keeping them healthy and helping to prevent disasters and increase water cultivation. This in turn creates a positive feedback loop, which will hopefully lead to the revitalization of the town, as well.
■The management of the Uchiko Biomass Power Plant.
The Uchiko Ryuo Biomass Power Plant is scheduled to begin construction in Uchiko’s Ryuo District in April 2022. There are also plans to begin horizontal expansion, such as building a cogeneration plant which will divert the waste heat created when generating electricity with Naito Kogyo’s wood pellets, and use it to heat a public bath facility and fitness club. Tours of the Uchiko Biomass Power Plant are available upon request, so visitors can experience firsthand the process of generating renewable electricity by utilizing forest resources.
[Owner] Uchiko Biomass Power LLC
2478-1 Teramura, Uchiko-cho, Kita-gun, Ehime-ken
[Operator] Naito Kogyo Co., Ltd.
创造森林和城镇的活力! 内子生物质发电厂
内子生物质发电厂于2018年10月竣工,并于2019年开始全面运营,同年4月开始向四国电力销售电力。自2021年10月起,该厂还开始向株式会社UPDATER(旧MINNA电力株式会社)出售电力。目前,该厂每年发电约1000 kW,相当于约2500户家庭的电力需求。该生物质发电厂利用内子町森林资源的77%,成为备受关注的地方紧密型生物质发电厂。
* 每户相当于 3,254.4 kWh /年的计算(资料来源:日本电气事业联合会,“核电与能源图画书 2015”)
内子町虽然拥有丰富的森林资源,但如果继续放置人工林,不仅无法生产出高质量的木材,而且森林的保水能力也将减弱,表土流失或山体滑坡等风险也将会增加。 适当的伐木和疏伐是必要的,但随着木材价格低迷导致木材产量下降,活用疏伐后未收集或因弯曲或其他原因而被丢弃的未使用的木材已成为了一个课题。
因此,在内子町生物质城镇的概念下,当地的有限会社内藤钢业活用未使用的木材制造了木屑颗粒,并将其用于公共设施的颗粒炉和锅炉。 然而,仅限于只有冬季才需要的事实成为了课题,为了确保全年的稳定供应,构想了一个使用木屑颗粒的发电厂。 内子生物质发电厂由新能源株式会社(神户市)设计・施工并建造,内藤钢业为首的当地企业投资,当地金融机构融资。 用作颗粒原料的原木由相邻的内子林业协会负责供应。
木屑颗粒的生产涉及几个过程。 首先,用削片机的机器将原木制成细木片。 由于水分很多,因此用燃烧木皮等而产生的暖空气来干燥,然后将其粉碎成细块制成锯末。 将锯末放入制粒机中挤压制成颗粒。
然后,在相邻的生物质发电厂,用气化炉装置将颗粒产生的气体作为燃料,驱动发电机组的发动机使其发电。 我们还利用发电过程中产生的热水,进行热水发电。
还有一种收集原木的机制,原木是木屑颗粒的原料。 这就是城镇上经营的“伐木工人市场项目”。 当出货人用轻型卡车将未使用的木材带到林业合作社的收集点时,他们可以以每吨8,000日元的价格出售,其中5,000日元为现金,其余3,000日元以「礼品券」的形式收款,这是一种地区货币,可以在该地区的约50家商店使用(令和4年3月现在)。 在令和2年,出货量为576.6吨。 通过这种方式,设定了相对较高的购买价格,并鼓励发货以确保稳定收购原木,并在该地区生根发芽。
2022年4月,在该城镇的龙王区计划建设「内子龙王生物质发电厂」。 除了使用内藤钢业制造的木屑颗粒发电外,还计划建设一个热电联产工厂,该热电联产工厂将作为副产品产生的热量提供给热水浴设施和健身俱乐部,并且已经开始在内子町横向扩展生物质发电。 内子生物质发电厂随时可接受参观,因此您可以在现场体验利用森林资源创造的可再生能源。
コオロギで目指す食料難と食品ロスの課題の同時解決/ Solving Food shortages and Food Loss by Using Crickets / 利用蟋蟀同时解决食物难和食物浪费的课题
■Solving Food shortages and Food Loss by Using Crickets
A company started selling Cricket Senbei, bringing attention to insect-based foods. The company that produces the edible crickets used in those Senbei is Gryllus Co., Ltd in Tokushima prefecture.
Gryllus was founded in 2019, largely through the efforts of Hiroto Watanabe, a researcher at Tokushima University who was studying the gestation cycle of crickets. Now, it produces crickets and food product ingredients at its facilities in Naruto and Mima Cities.
■Why Crickets?
There are several reasons. First, crickets are excellent sources of protein. Since they’re omnivorous, they can be fed with waste products from agriculture and food processing that would normally become food loss. And, it’s possible to raise a large number of crickets in a small space in just 30 days. Gryllus uses the cricket species called Gryllus bimaculatus, which is found in tropical and subtropical regions. By using a temperature controlled space, they can be raised year-round. Since the entire cricket is processed into a powder, the resulting product is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins.
■Making a World Where Insect-Based Foods Are Normal
The company wants to create a reality where crickets are a part of everyday life, and anybody can access products made from them at any time from morning to night. Snacks and main dishes such as curry and bread are already being sold in local shops and the Gryllus online shop, “Gryllus Online”. In addition, the number of restaurants in Tokushima offering cricket dishes are increasing. Slowly, crickets are becoming something
“familiar”. Their next goal is to build on this progress, and expand their product line to include light breakfast meals and late-night snacks to enjoy with alcohol.
■The Next Challenge
Even as the world grapples with the problem of food loss, developing countries also struggle with food shortages. By utilizing the food waste and food loss in developing and developed countries as feed for raising crickets, food loss in those countries could be reduced, and turned into protein for countries facing hunger.
Gryllus is contributing to the revitalization of local cities by repurposing abandoned schools as production sites, as well as increasing employment by hiring locals and out-of-towners. Next spring, they aim to expand their operations by further increasing the number of sites and employees, while simultaneously tackling various problems both inside and outside of the country.
・Gryllus Co., Ltd
・“Gryllus Online”.the Gryllus online shop,
有一家公司推出了使用蟋蟀的脆饼干,从而引起了人们对昆虫食品的关注。用于这次脆饼干里的蟋蟀是一家生产食用蟋蟀的公司,即德岛县的格里拉斯公司(GRYLLUS Company)。
佐田岬裂き織り保存会「オリコの里 コットン」/ “Oriko-no-Sato”, Sadamisaki-Sakiori Preservation Association/ 佐田岬裂织保存会「奥里科之乡 棉」

その後、三崎地域において裂織り保存の機運が高まり、2002年に保存会が発足し、旧大佐田小学校に「オリコの里 コットン」が開設されました。




オリコの里 コットン
■“Oriko-no-Sato”, Sadamisaki-Sakiori Preservation Association
Do you know a style of cloth weaving called Sakiori?It uses sturdy thread such as a cotton cloth as warp, and any cloth torn into shreds as weft. Sakiori was made in many regions in Sadamisakipeninsula in Ehime prefecture. It was used to make Hanten half coats and sleeveless vests, as well as clothes for work, clothes for cold weather and happi. However, it went out of fashion around Showa 40 (1960).
■ Sakiori Workshop
As time went on, the movement to preserve Sakiori gained momentum, and in 2002 the preservation association “Oriko-no- Sato Cotton” was established in former Osata Elementary school.
Not only do they display Sakiori clothes that were once actually used so you can feel them and learn about their history, they also have 12 looms on the premises and offer two-hour workshops to experience making a table cloth.
■Sakiori weaved clothes “Oriko” and “Tsuzure”
The material used as the Warp is sourced from used Yukata and clothes, unused rolls of cloth, and recently long scraps of cloth provided by towel manufacturers in Imabari, created during their manufacturing processes.
■Used Yukata shredded to make warp
■Towel manufacturing scraps shredded to make warp
Since Sadamisaki-peninsula is mountainous and narrow, clothes were precious because agricultural land was limited and producing cotton was difficult.
According to the preservation association, Kimono would be deconstructed to make new ones, and after the material became too worn out it would be used in Sakiori to make happi vests, and when it became too worn out for even that it would be used for lighting due to the high fat content from repeated wearing.
■Sakiori mats. The pattern of the warp tells a story
Nowadays clothes and fabric are everywhere in our lives, but as little as 50 years ago they were preciously being recycled and upcycled.Several years ago I joined a Sakiori workshop. I will never forget the sense of peacefulness I felt as I became absorbed in the simple act of weaving. In order to meet the needs of participants who want to experience the whole process from breaking down fabric to make thread, to creating the final product, the preservation association is currently preparing a stay-in facility called “Oriko-no-Sato” at a vacant house in Futanazu District. From there, visitors will be able to visit the tip of the peninsula, get their fill of local culture and food, and enjoy Sadamisaki’s beautiful natural features.
Oriko-no-Sato Cotton
Osata, Ikata-cho, Nisi-Uwa-gun, Ehime
090-2783-8357(Mr. Kobayashi, Representative of Sakiori Preservation Association
Reservation: needed two business days prior by phone
Fee: Table cloth ¥2,500~
■佐田岬裂织保存会「奥里科之乡 棉」
后来,在三崎地区,裂织保护的势头增强,2002年成立了保存协会,在旧大佐田小学开设了「奥里科之乡 棉」。
奥里科之乡 棉