四国のおすすめ [徳島県] 2021/11/05

コオロギで目指す食料難と食品ロスの課題の同時解決/ Solving Food shortages and Food Loss by Using Crickets / 利用蟋蟀同时解决食物难和食物浪费的课题














■Solving Food shortages and Food Loss by Using Crickets

A company started selling Cricket Senbei, bringing attention to insect-based foods. The company that produces the edible crickets used in those Senbei is Gryllus Co., Ltd in Tokushima prefecture.

Gryllus was founded in 2019, largely through the efforts of Hiroto Watanabe, a researcher at Tokushima University who was studying the gestation cycle of crickets. Now, it produces crickets and food product ingredients at its facilities in Naruto and Mima Cities.

■Why Crickets?

There are several reasons. First, crickets are excellent sources of protein. Since they’re omnivorous, they can be fed with waste products from agriculture and food processing that would normally become food loss. And, it’s possible to raise a large number of crickets in a small space in just 30 days. Gryllus uses the cricket species called Gryllus bimaculatus, which is found in tropical and subtropical regions. By using a temperature controlled space, they can be raised year-round. Since the entire cricket is processed into a powder, the resulting product is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins.

■Making a World Where Insect-Based Foods Are Normal

The company wants to create a reality where crickets are a part of everyday life, and anybody can access products made from them at any time from morning to night. Snacks and main dishes such as curry and bread are already being sold in local shops and the Gryllus online shop, “Gryllus Online”. In addition, the number of restaurants in Tokushima offering cricket dishes are increasing. Slowly, crickets are becoming something

“familiar”. Their next goal is to build on this progress, and expand their product line to include light breakfast meals and late-night snacks to enjoy with alcohol.

■The Next Challenge

Even as the world grapples with the problem of food loss, developing countries also struggle with food shortages. By utilizing the food waste and food loss in developing and developed countries as feed for raising crickets, food loss in those countries could be reduced, and turned into protein for countries facing hunger.

Gryllus is contributing to the revitalization of local cities by repurposing abandoned schools as production sites, as well as increasing employment by hiring locals and out-of-towners. Next spring, they aim to expand their operations by further increasing the number of sites and employees, while simultaneously tackling various problems both inside and outside of the country.

・Gryllus Co., Ltd

・“Gryllus Online”.the Gryllus online shop,


有一家公司推出了使用蟋蟀的脆饼干,从而引起了人们对昆虫食品的关注。用于这次脆饼干里的蟋蟀是一家生产食用蟋蟀的公司,即德岛县的格里拉斯公司(GRYLLUS Company)。









