「ココカラ通信社」の実践キャリア教育/Practical career education of “Kokokara News Agency” in Kagawa/「cocokara通信社(从这里开始通讯社)」的职业实践教育
■Practical career education of “Kokokara News Agency” in Kagawa
A two-day event in Takamatsu in which elementary school students established a virtual news agency and experienced work at local shops.
A virtual news agency — News Agency is hosted by a student group led by university students in Kagawa Prefecture. At Kokokara News Agency, university students are presidents, junior and senior high school students are section managers, and elementary school students are employees. During the event, children made their own business cards and practiced how to introduce themselves with exchanging their business cards with university students in advance. With this practice, they could introduce themselves smoothly when people visited. Children were divided into four courses, learning customer services and experiencing newspaper reporters. They learned the pleasure and difficulty of work from the employees at a bookstore, and a grocery store in their community.
On the second day, they opened a Kids Tourist Information Center in the shopping district, and distributed a Kids Newspaper, which showed the summarized content of the interviews and stores they had experienced on their first day. The children who participated showed a feeling of accomplishment such as, “It was difficult, but I was happy when customers said to me “Thank you.”
Through new experiences and learning such as social field trips and work experiences, children will start to admire jobs that they know. This inspires them to think about their future dreams and goals. With the desire to make children aware of the warmth of their local town, we will continue to develop community-led, cross-aged and practical career education.
豊島(てしま)展・記念シンポジウム~ごみ問題に向き合う/Teshima Exhibition • Memorial Symposium – Facing the garbage problem/丰岛(Teshima)展・纪念研讨会~垃圾问题的抗争


■Teshima Exhibition • Memorial Symposium – Facing the garbage problem
Do you know about the illegal dumping of industrial waste at Teshima (Kagawa Prefecture) into the Seto Inland Sea? Irregular dumping continued until 1990, despite requests from hospitals about hazardous industrial waste in 1975, as well as an opposition campaign and crackdown by residents. Residents and citizens developed an exercise calling for removal of waste with the support of Mr. Kohei Nakabo’s defense team and finally concluded mediation of pollution with Kagawa Prefecture in 2000. Removal and treatment for detoxification in Naoshima began in 2003. And in March 2017 the last waste shipping departed Teshima, the activities of residents and citizens who continued for 42 years came to a break.
<Teshima exhibition held at Ehime University museum>
The Teshima Exhibition, which looks back on the process at the photo panel etc., to utilize the experiences of Teshima facing illegal dumping, which is said to be the largest scale in Japan, in future society is held by the Setouchi Olive Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Olive Foundation). Through this exhibition, the Olive Foundation stated that “a large amount of garbage generated in urban areas has flowed into a depopulated island with weak resistance due to illegal dumping, and the residents have to give a deadly voice. It takes a huge cost and time to restore the destroyed nature. We want to tell from the society of mass disposal to a resource recycling society / a sustainable society.”
<State of exhibition>
”Teshima Exhibition” was held in Takamatsu City in July 2017 and Toshima Ward in Tokyo in November, and from October 24 to December 17, 2018, Ehime University Law and Literature Department participated in the sponsorship, and it was held at the Ehime University’s Museum Planning Exhibition Room. On November 24th, in honor of the exhibition, a symposium “Rich Island and Ocean to the Next Generation” was held to celebrate the exhibition. In addition to reviewing the Toyoshima incident, there was a panel discussion about the world efforts and research reports on microplastic.
Olive Fund staff in charge spoke about expectations for the symposium. “The issue of micro plastics and Toshima also was created by the attitude of consumers that, as long as the garbage disappears in front one’s eyes, it is not their problem but making each opportunity to face garbage problems as yourself.”
<State of Teshima Exhibition Commemorative Symposium>
The existence of microplastic and the influence on the environment are transmitted, and the recognition of the garbage problem as a matter to be confronted without waiting is increasing. Regarding marine garbage, the scale of the world is immeasurable, and it is necessary to continue the endless control of occurrence and removal of existing garbage. However, as citizens who have been facing the Toshima Incident have opened up the road of solution, it is important to strengthen the thought that “it is important not to never give up, to collaborate and deal with various stakeholders.” Based on the findings of Toshima, it is hoped that activities and cooperation with Ehime University can happen so that efforts can be disseminated from Shikoku, which is surrounded by the sea and that people receive many benefits from.
For Teshima industrial waste disposal, please refer to the dedicated site created by the Olive Foundation.
School of Teshima • Island “To a rich island and ocean to the next generation”
四国地方における森里川海流域連携事例集ができました/Mori Rikawa Sea Basin Collaboration Case Collection in Shikoku Region was completed/《四国各地森里川海流域合作事例集》完成了
1 持続可能な生産と消費を実現するグリーンな経済システムの構築
2 国土のストックとしての価値の向上
3 地域資源を活用した持続可能な地域づくり
4 健康で心豊かな暮らしの実現
5 持続可能性を支える技術の開発・普及
6 国際貢献による我が国のリーダーシップの発揮と戦略的パートナーシップの構築
■Mori Rikawa Sea Basin Collaboration Case Collection in Shikoku Region was completed
Based on the Basic Environmental Law, the Basic Environmental Plan sets out the outline of comprehensive and long-term measures concerning the government’s environmental conservation. The fifth Environmental Environment Basic Plan received the report of the Central Environment Council in April, 2018, and was approved by the Cabinet.
In the content, the following priority strategies across the field are written.
1. Building a green economic system that realizes sustainable production and consumption.
2. Improvement of value as stock of the country.
3. Creating a sustainable community utilizing regional resources.
4. Realization of a healthy and prosperous life.
5. Development and dissemination of technologies supporting sustainability.
6. Exhibit Japan’s leadership through international contribution and build strategic partnership.
Among them, we propose a new idea of “regional cycle symbiotic zone” that maximizes the vitality of the region. It has been shown that each region will form an independent and decentralized society while promoting efforts to complement and support resources according to local characteristics.
We also received this trend in Shikoku, and in 2017 we found organizations involved in Forest-Village-River-Sea Cooperation within Shikoku. We held a meeting for sharing issues and organized the activities of each group in October and the “Forest-Village-River-Sea Collaboration Case Study in Shikoku District” was issued. In Shikoku, efforts related to various watershed cooperation are being carried out. In the future, in keeping with the idea of “Regional cycle symbiotic area” indicated in the Fifth Environmental Basic Plan, we are going to expand our network to tackle this theme together.
Forest-Village-River-Sea Collaboration Case Study Collection is the following.
Forest-Village-River-Sea Collaboration Case Study Collection(in Japanese)
1. 构筑实现可持续的生产和消费绿色经济系统
2. 提高国土作为资源的价值
3. 建设利用地域资源的可持续地域
4. 实现健康精神丰富的生活
5. 开发普及促进可持续的技术
6. 发挥我国在国际贡献中的领导力与构筑战略性合作关系
森里川海流域連携事例集(in Japanese)