四国のすごい! Shikoku’s that is awesome! 了不起的四国![四国EPOがすごいと思った四国の環境情報をお知らせします]

美術館が取り組むESD(持続可能な開発のための教育)/ Museum’s ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)/美术馆活动ESD(可持续开发教育)






(※1 )ユネスコスクールとは:
(日本ユネスコ国内委員会サイトより引用 http://www.mext.go.jp/unesco/004/1339976.htm

■Museum’s ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)

     In August 2019, the Niihama Art Museum (Akagane Museum), located in Ehime Prefecture Niihama, will hold a public art exhibition – “Niihama SDGs Art Festival” as a posting of ESD from the museum. The main project is a work of art by elementary and junior high school students. One of the 17 goals of the SDGs will be selected and will be expressed in the work freely. All submitted works will be exhibited. Contests and recruitment of ESD and SDGs have been held by various regions and organizations, but the public recruitment of SDGs from an artistic perspective is a new and innovative approach which is expected to increase recognition of SDGs and ESD.

     Niihama City, where the museum is located, once flourished as a leading industrial area with the Besshi Copper Mine. On the other hand, due to pollution caused by smoke and other pollution, measures such as tree planting were taken and now it is an industrial heritage after the mine was closed. It is also used as an educational resource to consider sustainability and tours hosted by local high school students. The company that was once involved in the mining of the copper mine at the time is now cooperating with the festival and local education. In addition, most of the schools in the city are registered as UNESCO Schools (* 1), and the entire city is engaged in high-quality education. We hope that this festival will lead schools to have initiative communication and global exchange in such an educational area.

     This year was the first festival, and is planned to be continued. For details, check the following page.

Niihama SDGs Art Festival

(* 1) UNESCO School:
This school implements peace and international cooperation to realize the UNESCO philosophy set forth in the UNESCO Charter. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Japan National Commission for UNESCO have positioned UNESCO School as a base for promoting ESD.
(Quoted from the Japan UNESCO National Committee website  http://www.mext.go.jp/unesco/004/1339976.htm)


 2019年8月,为了从美术馆推广ESD,位于爱媛县新居浜市的「新居浜市美术馆(あかがねミュージアム 赤金美术馆)」举办了公募型美术展「新居浜SDGs Art Festival」。主要企画规模宏大,从日本、从全世界募集中小学生创作的艺术作品,要求从SDGs的17个目标中选择一个,有主题的自由表现内容。所有募集到的作品全部予以展览。此前,虽然已经有过各种地域及主体举办的ESD及SDGs相关的内容及募集,这次展览从艺术的角度进行SDGs募集,有望开拓SDGs及ESD的知识普及,具有创新意义。


 以及新居浜市室内的大多数学校,都登记为UNESCO SCHOOL(※1),全市致力于发展高质量的教育。在这个教育最先进的地域,以这次的艺术节为契机,希望将学校的活动传播的同时,加强全球交流。


新居浜SDGs Art Festival

是为实现UNESCO宪章所表现的UNESCO理念,实践和平国际合作的学校。文部科学省及日本UNESCO国内委员会将UNESCO SCHOOL视为推进ESD的根据地。(引用自日本UNESCO国内委员会网站 http://www.mext.go.jp/unesco/004/1339976.htm

第4回四国環境パートナーシップ表彰/ 4th Shikoku Environmental Partnership Award/第4回四国环境合作表彰



団体名: 東かがわ市北山森林ボランティア会(香川県)

活動名: 瀬戸内オリーヴ共和国活動(オリーヴを利用し生活文化の質を高める取り組み)

活動名: 親子で水と生きものがつなぐ森・里づくり

活動名: 子供たちの放課後の楽しみ




■4th Shikoku Environmental Partnership Award

     Shikoku Environmental Partnership recruited applicants for the divisions of “ESD Environmental Education” and “Regional Issue Resolution”. Many applicants mainly from civic groups and companies. As a result of a screen by judging committee total of 5 organizations were awarded.

・ Partnership Award (Aioi Special Award) (Regional Issue Resolution Division)
Activity name: (Nonprofit organization) Zero Waste Spread Enlightenment activity
Organization name: (Nonprofit organization) Zero Waste Academy (Tokushima Prefecture)

・ Excellence Award (ESD Environmental Education Division)
Organization name: Higashikagawa City Kitayama Forest Volunteer Association (Kagawa Prefecture)

・ Excellence Award (Regional Issue Resolution Division)
Activity name: Setouchi Olive Republic activity (initiative to improve the quality of life and culture using olives)
Organization name (a nonprofit organization) Olive Life & Culture Research Institute (Kagawa Prefecture)

・ Excellence Award (Regional Issue Resolution Section)
Activity name: Creating forests and villages that connect water and creatures between parents and children
Organization name: Project Earth Child Open Space (Ehime)

・ Excellence Award (Regional Issue Resolution Section)
Activity name: Children’s Recreation After School
Group name: Muroto Geopark Promotion Council (Kochi Prefecture) 

     At the 4th Shikoku Environmental Partnership Awards Ceremony held on Saturday, February 23 in Tokushima City, a certificate of commendation was given to each awarded organization by Mr. Ugajin, the Director of Shikoku Ofice in Chugoku-Shikoku Regional Environment Office . In addition, a special prize was given to one organization as with the sponsorship of Mitsui Sumitomo Aioi Life Insurance Co. according to the idea of “Let’s support Shikoku’s environmental protection activities through life insurance eco procedures!” as the number of online applications donationed. During the ceremony, there were a keynote speech by Mr. Shogo Enoki, the Niihama Board of Education, activities introduction of each group, and an exchange meeting to answer questions from attendees. Shikoku EPO will support the further activities of creating a place for learning by including hosting the Shikoku Environmental Partnership Awards.


・パートナーシップ大賞(合作大奖)(あいおい特別賞 特别奖)(地域课题解决部门)

团体名: 东香川市北山森林志愿者协会(香川县)

活动名: 瀬戸内橄榄共和国活动(利用橄榄提高生活文化质量的活动)


活动名:子供たちの放課後の楽しみ( 孩子们的课后娱乐)

 德岛市在2月23日(星期六)举办的「第4回四国环境合作表彰式」上,中国四国地方环境事务所四国事务所的宇贺神所长,向各领奖团体亲手颁发了奖状。以及,得益于赞助方三井住友海上相生生命保険株式会社四国営业部的赞助,以「支持四国环境保护活动,推进生命保险手续环保化」 为主题,向一个团体颁发特别奖,团体所获的奖金金额与所有申请中网上申请的件数相当。



徳島県が「ウッドスタート宣言」/ Tokushima Prefecture “Wood Start Declaration”/德岛县的「Wood Start宣言」







Tokushima Prefecture “Wood Start Declaration”

     At the 6th Tree Summit on Saturday February 16, Tokushima Prefecture was designated as the “Wood Start Declaration” together with Miyoshi City. It was the first time in Shikoku that it was declared as a prefecture.

     The Wood Start Project is an action plan for “Mokuiku” developed by the Japan Good Toy Committee. Developing a child-raising environment with “trees” in the middle of life so that all children and people can enjoy the fun and rich life feeling the warmth of trees. (Partially quoted from “Mokuiku Lab: What is Wood Start?”)

     In Shikoku, six local municipalities, Miyoshi Cityand Naka Cho (Tokushima Prefecture), Seiyo City,and Kuma Kogen Town (Ehime Prefecture), Sakawa Cho and Ochi Town (Kochi Prefecture), have declared their wood start, and we carried out activities to send toys made of local timber to new born babies.

     The municipalities’ Wood Start menu is to choose from the following four ways to incorporate trees into their lives. The municipalities’ wood start menu are as follows;

1) Provide wooden toys to babies.
2) Use local lumber for elementary and junior high school desks.
3) Use many trees inside the school buildings.
4) The coffin at the end of life are also made of local timber.
From cradle to grave, it can be said that trees are close to a person’s life.

     In Tokushima Prefecture, the “Tokushima Prefectural Produced Wood Use Ordinance” was enforced in April 2013, and the “wood education” was promoted along with wood use. It is a good opportunity for people to be conscious of “Mokuiku”.

     About three-quarters of ​​Shikoku is forest. Recently, the use of forest resources has been attracting attention, as one of the mechanisms for raising local independence by utilizing local resources, educating people, circulating money and resources around. We expect that actions will connect the movements of various people and organizations.

■德岛县的「Wood Start宣言」

 在2月16日(星期六)举办的「第6回木育サミット(第6回植树峰会)」中,德岛县三好市同时进行并认定了「ウッドスタート宣言(Wood Start宣言)」。德岛县是四国第一个参与宣言的县。

 ウッドスタート事業(Wood Start计划),指的是日本グッド・トイ委員会(日本Good Toy委员会)开展的「植树」行动计划。目标是建立围绕「树」为中心生活的育儿成长环境,从孩子们开始,让所有的人感受到树的温暖,过上快乐丰富的生活。 (一部分引用自「木育ラボ:ウッドスタートとは」(「木育Lab:Wood Start」))

 在四国,包括德岛县的三好市、那贺町,爱媛县的西予市、久万高原町、高知县的佐川町、越知町等6自治体已参与Wood Start宣言,实施了将本地木材制作的玩具送给了出生婴儿的计划。

 自治体执行Wood Start计划,将木头融入生活,可以从以下4种项目中选择。

