四国のすごい! Shikoku’s that is awesome! 了不起的四国![四国EPOがすごいと思った四国の環境情報をお知らせします]

プラごみ削減~環境首都とくしまの取組~/ Plastic Waste Reduction-Environmental Capital Tokushima’s Initiatives-/减少塑料垃圾~环境首都德岛的实践活动~





■Plastic Waste Reduction-Environmental Capital Tokushima’s Initiatives-

     The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry has announced that plastic shopping bags will require a charge from April 2020. Tokushima, which has declared the “environmental capital,” has begun to charge shopping bags ahead of the mandatory move in June 2019. The initiative has been concluded and promoted by 4, the business, the Tokushima Consumers Association, the Tokushima Environmental Prefectural Congress, and the Tokushima Prefecture. There was a contract ceremony on August 27th, with 18 businesses and 94 stores, and combined since September 1st, 19 businesses, 95 stores, and over 80% food supermarkets that operate chains in the prefecture are now charging shopping bags. At supermarkets that started charging initiatives earlier, reported that the rate of refusing plastic bags was 30% before the initiatives, but increased to 80% after the initiatives, raising the interest of citizens of the prefecture and changing behavior.

     Also, distributing eco-bags at events is common, but one of the collaborators asked, “Is distributing eco-bags eco-friendly? Why don’t you collect the paper bags and eco-bags not being used at home? ” Therefore, with the cooperation of elementary schools and supermarkets in the prefecture, excess paper bags at home and unused eco-bags have collected. Also a local idol girl group – “My Bag Girls” promotes My-Bags and spreading awareness through various methods such as calling for bringing their bags while performing live at various events.

     It is not easy to eliminate plastic from our current lives, but can there be an alternative? There is a need for a way to live wisely with plastic and shopping bags.



 另外,为普及自带购物袋,已经有了很多发放环保购物袋的活动。但在此次行动中,有参加者提出了新主意:「发放环保购物袋针真的环保吗?不如收集家中放置不用的纸袋和环保袋,再利用吧。」于是,在县内小学和超市等的帮助下,开始了回收利用自家多余的纸袋和环保购物袋的活动。另一方面,在德岛还有推进自带购物袋的当地偶像组合「My Bag Girls」在各地的活动上现场表演节目,号召自带购物袋,实行了各种各样普及启发的方法。

 让塑料从现在的生活中完全消失不是一件简单的事。但是,有的塑料真的是必须要用的吗,真的没有改变的余地吗? 以购物塑料袋为开头,让我们追求适度使用塑料的生活方式吧。

薬局から発信するSDGs/ SDGs transmitted from pharmacies/药店传播SDGs






2019年6月には、四国内の薬局として初めての地域ESD活動推進拠点(地域ESD拠点)https://esdcenter.jp/kyoten/ に登録されました。健康と環境そして学びの好循環からSDGsの達成をめざす取り組みに、今後も目が離せません。

■SDGs transmitted from pharmacies

     Hirano Co., Ltd. which operates seven pharmacies in Imabari City is considers to care not only our health but also the health of the earth. This company has acquired the Eco-Action 21 certification for conducting environmental activities. Employees are not only health professionals but also have knowledge about the environment and practice environmental attentions daily.

     The Mirai Hirano Pharmacy opened in May 2019 to embody the company’s practices and initiatives. While many pharmacies specialize in providing medicines, there are plenty of ideas and schemes that overturn the conventional wisdom of pharmacies.

     First of all, Hirano Pharmacy is a few minutes from JR Imabari Station.with a stylish design. Many people often notice the vivid SDGs logo and are alarmed by it. When you enter inside, it’s space is surrounded by wood nearby. It is built with CLT architecture, which is introduced and the number is growing as popular style of construction. Unfortunately in Shikoku, its number is still low but it is an architecture that architects want to pay attention to. 

     Also in the free space, there is a corner where you can consult health and nutrition , a section of books and paintings on display. On the second floor, there is a kitchen, a meeting space, and space where you can exercise. It is a pharmacy where you can learn, experience, and take care of your health, rather than just being provided of medicine.

     In addition to the above, not providing medicines no more than necessary, advising each customer to improve the quality of life by publishing a regular public relations paper “News from Hirano Pharmaceutical”, and reduction of paper and resource use and saving electricity. Working closely to improve health and the environment is very inspiring.

     In June 2019, Mirai Hirano Pharmacy was registered the regional ESD activity promotion site (regional ESD site) as the first pharmacy in Shikoku. https://esdcenter.jp/kyoten/

     We will keep an eye on their efforts to achieve the SDGs from a virtuous cycle of health, the environment, and learning.


 我们关注自己的健康之外,也要共同关注地球的健康,为此,在今治市内经营7所药店的株式会社平野为药店取得了ECO ACTION21认证,是一所进行环保活动的公司。社员们不仅是健康方面的专业人士,还拥有环境相关的知识,每天都实践着环保活动。


 从JR站徒步几分钟,首先看到的是一栋设计时尚简约的建筑物。入口的广告牌上,药店和鲜艳的SDGs标记排版美观,据说当地很多人看到后都会发出「哇! 」的惊叹。从外观看可能无法想象,但进入后的空间使用了大量附近的木材,充满了木的气息。这座建筑是如今受到瞩目的CLT建筑,四国内的此类建筑还很少,从事建筑相关的朋友们请务必注意。



 2019年6月,平野未来药妆店作为四国内第一个成为ESD活动推进根据地(地域ESD根据地)https://esdcenter.jp/kyoten/ 的药店登记在案。从学习健康和环境开始,建立良好循环,以实现SDGs的这一实践活动,今后也请多多关注。


県民、企業、自治体が協働で取り組む「男も(女も)持つぞ!マイバッグキャンペーン」~さまざまな参加のカタチと仕組みで広がる削減の取組~/ The citizens, companies and local governments work together to have “Men (and women)! My Bag Campaign”-Various forms of participation and initiatives to reduce emissions/县民、企业、自治体共同协作企划「男男女女都带上环保袋吧! 」~推广塑料削减,多样参与形式~








①大学生のチームがYou Tubeを作成・公表するなど、新しいカタチでの参加があった。さらに自らも参加し、その年の削減量第一位となり、表彰された。



■The citizens, companies and local governments work together to have “Men (and women)! My Bag Campaign”-Various forms of participation and initiatives to reduce emissions

     Globally, the plastic pollution in the oceans has become a problem. There is a growing trend of reducing the use of disposable plastic products. The 12th goal of 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) states that waste and emissions should be significantly reduced. Goal 14 also targets the prevention of impacts on the marine ecosystem and marine pollution, and the changes of businesses and consumersbehaviors are indispensable elements for creating a sustainable society.

     The Kochi Prefectural Council for Global Warming Prevention which was established in 2008 promotes various activities with the aim of a rich, natural and sustainable low-carbon society with the whole citizens by cooperating with companies, local governments and prefectural residents. The membership is comprised of 256 business, local companies, local governments, NPOs, etc. (as of May, 2009). It is divided into three sub-committees: the Business Subcommittee, the Administrative Subcommittee, and the Prefectural Subcommittee, that carries out various activities tailored to its characteristics.

     The Prefectural Citizens’ Group has set up a working team to reduce shopping bags since its inception. They have been working together with NPOs, prefectural residents, supermarkets, and co-ops to plan, implement, and evaluate. They started the “My Bag Campaign, Men and Women!” campaign, which is held every year for two months from October to November. It is not a passive action of being encouraged to participate, but an image of acting on its own will.

     This approach involves registering within companies, local governments, NPOs, etc., and participating in teams of two or more people. It is a laborious way, but doing so makes it easier to reach people in the workplace who have been difficult before to reach for to participate. Forming a team has the effect of raising each other awareness of reducing shopping bags, also having participants to report prevents forgetting to. Now, it has evolved from its basic form and became possible to participate in a team with friends and family, or even alone.

[Participation section]
・ Corporate / organization section: The office is the contact point. Create and participate in teams of two or more
・ Family / friends group section: Participate in teams of 2 or more
・ Individual section: participated alone

* In the corporate organization section and family friends group section, there is a award to commend the team with the largest reduction.

     By registering participation, the number of participants and reduction can be clarified, and important information for continuing and developing activities can be obtained. For example, the number of participants has increased rapidly in 2017, the main factor was that all local governments and students in the prefecture had participated. In 2018, both the number of participants and the amount of CO2 reduction were about twice of 2016.

     Although obtaining information in the registration-based approach is administratively complicated but a variety of participants’ efforts opened there is likely to contribute to the enjoyment, continuity and spread of future efforts.

[Notable form of participation]
(1) A new form of participated them from university students created videos and published on You Tube. They were awarded the top prize for the highest emissions reduction in that year.
(2) With getting teachers approval, the student council and the whole school also participated.
(3) There are some cases that all employees and staff members of companies and local governments participate every year for 10 years.

     Although this activity started from the perspective of preventing global warming, it encourages people in various positions to encourage to become aware of sustainable issues, such as reducing waste,affecting the ecosystem and to promote behavioral change. It is attracting attention as a way for businesses and NPOs to work together to reduce the use of plastic bags.

2018 results: http://myswitch.pref.kochi.lg.jp/event/my-bag/

Kochi Prefectural Council for Global Warming Prevention:

■县民、企业、自治体共同协作企划「男男女女都带上环保袋吧! 」~推广塑料削减,多样参与形式~










