
美術館が取り組むESD(持続可能な開発のための教育)/ Museum’s ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)/美术馆活动ESD(可持续开发教育)






(※1 )ユネスコスクールとは:
(日本ユネスコ国内委員会サイトより引用 http://www.mext.go.jp/unesco/004/1339976.htm

■Museum’s ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)

     In August 2019, the Niihama Art Museum (Akagane Museum), located in Ehime Prefecture Niihama, will hold a public art exhibition – “Niihama SDGs Art Festival” as a posting of ESD from the museum. The main project is a work of art by elementary and junior high school students. One of the 17 goals of the SDGs will be selected and will be expressed in the work freely. All submitted works will be exhibited. Contests and recruitment of ESD and SDGs have been held by various regions and organizations, but the public recruitment of SDGs from an artistic perspective is a new and innovative approach which is expected to increase recognition of SDGs and ESD.

     Niihama City, where the museum is located, once flourished as a leading industrial area with the Besshi Copper Mine. On the other hand, due to pollution caused by smoke and other pollution, measures such as tree planting were taken and now it is an industrial heritage after the mine was closed. It is also used as an educational resource to consider sustainability and tours hosted by local high school students. The company that was once involved in the mining of the copper mine at the time is now cooperating with the festival and local education. In addition, most of the schools in the city are registered as UNESCO Schools (* 1), and the entire city is engaged in high-quality education. We hope that this festival will lead schools to have initiative communication and global exchange in such an educational area.

     This year was the first festival, and is planned to be continued. For details, check the following page.

Niihama SDGs Art Festival

(* 1) UNESCO School:
This school implements peace and international cooperation to realize the UNESCO philosophy set forth in the UNESCO Charter. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Japan National Commission for UNESCO have positioned UNESCO School as a base for promoting ESD.
(Quoted from the Japan UNESCO National Committee website  http://www.mext.go.jp/unesco/004/1339976.htm)


 2019年8月,为了从美术馆推广ESD,位于爱媛县新居浜市的「新居浜市美术馆(あかがねミュージアム 赤金美术馆)」举办了公募型美术展「新居浜SDGs Art Festival」。主要企画规模宏大,从日本、从全世界募集中小学生创作的艺术作品,要求从SDGs的17个目标中选择一个,有主题的自由表现内容。所有募集到的作品全部予以展览。此前,虽然已经有过各种地域及主体举办的ESD及SDGs相关的内容及募集,这次展览从艺术的角度进行SDGs募集,有望开拓SDGs及ESD的知识普及,具有创新意义。


 以及新居浜市室内的大多数学校,都登记为UNESCO SCHOOL(※1),全市致力于发展高质量的教育。在这个教育最先进的地域,以这次的艺术节为契机,希望将学校的活动传播的同时,加强全球交流。


新居浜SDGs Art Festival

是为实现UNESCO宪章所表现的UNESCO理念,实践和平国际合作的学校。文部科学省及日本UNESCO国内委员会将UNESCO SCHOOL视为推进ESD的根据地。(引用自日本UNESCO国内委员会网站 http://www.mext.go.jp/unesco/004/1339976.htm