マイボトルの利用促進に向けたオアシスマップの作成/Creating an oasis map to promote the use of My Bottle/以促进使用随身杯为目标的绿洲地图制作
■Creating an oasis map to promote the use of My Bottle
The issue of plastic waste spilling out into the sea has been frequently taken up in the news. This issue is also specified in goal number 14 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs), reducing marine waste and preventing marine pollution is a global challenge.
In our life, plastic products are currently being used in large quantities. Some of them are recycled, but plastics that have flowed out to the natural world are fragmented (microplastic) and there is concern about the impact on ecosystems such as accumulation in the body of fish and birds.
Now that initiatives to reduce plastic waste are starting to be studied in various places, the NPO corporation Archipelago in Kagawa Prefecture, is calling out to reduce plastic bottles for disposable drinks (beverage PET bottles), use My Bottle (water bottle).
Those who have used My Bottles may have the experience of having finish drinking on the way. We are trying to collect information on shops, parks, public facilities etc. that can cooperate in supplying water and hot water to your My Bottle and publish it as an oasis map. We also distribute stickers to shops where you can cooperate in supply. http://www.archipelago.or.jp/scf/oasismap/
The first restaurant t that approved the initiative was a noodle shop in Takamatsu city. It seems that Archipelago is aiming to establish 200 supply stations within the year. It is hoped that efforts from Kagawa spread to the whole country and the world.