
地域が家族。社会の弱者が支え合う日高村の実現を 高知県日高村の「日高わのわ会」の取り組み紹介/My region is my family. Introduction of the “Hidaka wanonwa” of Kochi Prefecture’s Hidaka village to realize the Hidaka village supporting the vulnerable people of society/地方即家族。日高村社会弱者互助的实现 高知县日高村“日高wanowa(輪之輪 团圆)会”活动介绍












■My region is my family. Introduction of the “Hidaka wanonwa” of Kochi Prefecture’s Hidaka village to realize the Hidaka village supporting the vulnerable people of society

 There is NPO with a population of about 5,000 people who are working towards a village where people with disabilities can live a life of their own. NPO” Hidaka Wanowa Kai” parenting mothers gathered in 2003, began a volunteer activity for paid operation to manage tea ceremonies while sharing child-rearing troubles. Currently in the year, it will be 7 to 80 million businesses, and it is becoming an organization indispensable to the region.

 Chiharu Yasuoka, who started this effort, was originally a childcare professional at a child care support center. She came up with the idea about creating a picture-story show and let children hear it at school, when mothers who were raising children gathered and talked. The weak cannot only receive services, but also can be the provider of service, and this name holds a meaning of various people supporting each other and become a loop, like a big family.

 The project is divided into the following five divisions, each department is devised to operate.

• General Affairs Department “Hidaka Genki Club”
 This provides support to those who are not covered by nursing-care insurance so that they can live for a long time in a familiar home. For example, supporters of shopping, rehabilitation supporters, farm work and a wide range.

• Café club “Hospitality Club”
 Offering lunch and delivering home delivery lunch etc. using vegetables of Hidaka village.

• Welfare Department “Wa-ha-ha Club”
 This agency offers support with a plan that is appropriate for that person. Employment support type B business office, temporary daytime workplace for persons with disabilities, group home loops manage the house, etc.

• Child Welfare Department “Child Club”
 In order to support parenting in the community, temporary nursing, childcare room, daycare daytime childcare such as disabled children management.

• Sales Dept. “Tomato Club”
 Product development and sale utilizing Sugar Tomato at Hidaka village.
The encounter with this tomato begins with the farmer helping the tomato harvesting work. Japan Agricultural Cooperative’s nonstandard yet-to-be-eaten tomatoes have been thrown, and farmers seem to have paid about 70,000 yen per year for industrial waste disposal. As it is wasteful, it is offered at the Café club, the taste of tomato sauce has become its reputation, leading to commercialization. It is now a signboard product of “Hidaka Wanowa Kai”. The amount recovered was two tons in 2010 and 7.3 tons in 2017. It also saves disposal costs by reducing food loss, and because “Hidaka Wanowa Kai Party” buys it, it increased the incomes of farmers.

 Three things that “Hidaka Wanowa Kai” has earned in activities so far:
①Person’s circle: Everyone will be connected.
②Talk circle: Let’s circle together and talk.
③Peace circle: The smallest family in society. Value the quality of life there.

 Hidaka village and the “circle of youth”, “the circle of the city” and “the circle of employment”, connected with the various places, the circle of exchange will expand, dreams are getting bigger.

 Although it is a small village, if such a support mechanism can be done in the region, it will lead to an overall increase in Japan. Even if a big city wins alone, society as a whole does not get better. It is hoped that it will become an even bigger circle if this kind of connection and mechanism can be done in a local unit on a regional basis.

■地方即家族。日高村社会弱者互助的实现 高知县日高村“日高wanowa(輪之輪 团圆)会”活动介绍










