徳島県学生地球温暖化防止活動推進員による「いろどり屋」の取組 / Tokushima Prefecture’s Student Advocates ‘ “Irodori-ya” Initiative / 由德岛县学生地球变暖防止活动推进员组成的“Irodori屋”活动
Tokushima Prefecture’s Student Advocates ‘ “Irodori-ya” Initiative
Tokushima Prefecture’s Student Advocates for Climate Change Action are a group of university and graduate students who plan and manage various events to spread awareness and stop climate change. To join them, it is necessary to register at the Tokushima Center for Climate Change Action, and receive their pre-service training. Currently, there are 77 of these advocates active across Tokushima. In this article we will introduce one of these advocates, “Irodori-ya,” which began activities focused on reuse.
“Irodori-ya” is a reuse event that seeks to connect still-usable items with new owners. On February 17, 2024, it opened a one-day-only pop-up shop operating out of the ZEH Eco Model House at Eco Mirai Tokushima. The shop handles various items, including clothing, hats, accessories, and tableware, and allows visitors to take home whatever they need at no cost. It is also possible to bring in daily items that are no longer needed, resulting in a circulation of goods. However, clothes must be washed before being brought in, and items that are too dirty or broken are not accepted. Items taken home by a visitor are weighed first, in order to visualize the reduction in waste.
There are also workshops held at “Irodori-ya.” The most recent one involved making one-of-a-kind clocks and accessories out of a prepared selection of waste thread, leftover beads, nail art parts, scraps of old clothes, seashells and other items that have a tendency to get thrown out as trash. Participants could also bring their own buttons, beads, etc. he workshop was designed to be enjoyed by participants of all ages, with alternatives like drawing with fabric crayons available for those who found sewing buttons with thread to be too difficult.
When asked about the inspiration behind this event, the student advocate who planned it said, “I was very bad at tidying up and lived in a cluttered environment. At that time, I visited Kamikatsu and learned about the Kurukuru Shop, I was overcome with the desire to create a place where people could bring unwanted items from their community. That was where the idea came from.” When collecting unwanted goods to prepare for the event, she was surprised to see much of what was being brought in was clothes with the tags still attached and unused tableware. It made her realize that what buyers want is new things, but novel ones, and prompted her to be more considerate about what she really needs when shopping.
Finally, the student advocate had a strong message about what she hopes people learned from the event: namely, the importance of valuing things, and that with a little ingenuity, items destined for disposal can be made useable again. A representative from the Tokushima Center for Climate Change Action who helped run the event commented that working with student advocates has increased the students’ initiative, resulting in many innovative proposals that the Center hadn’t thought of. The system is seen as a good mechanism for human resource development while simultaneously contributing to the resolution of regional issues. It is hoped that the activities of “Irodori-ya,” led by students in Tokushima Prefecture, will encourage many people to consider environmental concerns as their own and think about the longevity of items before making a purchase.
当询问策划这个活动的学生推广员这个企划的契机时,他回答说:“我非常不擅长收拾,过着杂物泛滥的生活。当时我去了上胜町,在那里我了解到循环店铺的活动内容,因此我想在这里建一个可以让居民们带去闲置物品的地方,于是就有了这次的活动。” 他说,为了本次活动,在回收商品的时候,发现有大量的商品标签还保留着的衣服和没有使用过的餐具,由此意识到购买者不是想要新的商品,而是想要新奇的东西,因此自己在买东西的时候也会停下来思考是否真的有必要。