地域に根差すスーパーによる、サーキュラーエコノミー構築へのチャレンジ 株式会社フジ 松山デリカPC(プロセスセンター)/ A Local Supermarket Tackles the Circular Economy: Fuji Co., Ltd. Matsuyama Delica Process Center / 扎根地域的超级市场,构筑循环经济的挑战——株式会社FUJI Delica PC(流程中心)



A Local Supermarket Tackles the Circular Economy: Fuji Co., Ltd. Matsuyama Delica Process Center
As society becomes more conscious about the SDGs, various sectors are searching for ways to transition to a circular economy. But what kinds of measures are being taken by businesses integral to our daily lives? Enter Fuji Co., Ltd., which operates a supermarket chain familiar to any resident of Ehime Prefecture. The company’s Matsuyama Delica Process Center produces ready-made meals (including bento boxes, salads, and cut vegetables) for sale in all of the approximately 100 Fuji stores in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions. (Due to an organizational change in March 2024, Fuji Delica Quality Co., Ltd. was fully absorbed into its parent company, Fuji Co., Ltd.)
Fuji has consistently strived toward reducing waste. When the company underwent factory expansion and equipment upgrades to increase production in response to an increase in demand for ready-made meals, it took the opportunity to install a biomass power plant that utilizes the food scraps left over from the production process. The plant came online in February 2020, marking the first time a private company in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions has operated a biomass power plant using only its own food waste. Every day it generates about 800kWh of electricity from roughly 5 tons of food scraps, which is then sold to the electric power company.

<Overview of the biomass power plant. The building on the right is the ready-made meal factory.>
■ Methane Fermentation Biomass Power Generation Using Food Scraps
The installed plant is a methane fermentation biomass power plant. Food scraps from the production of ready-made meals are pulverized, moisture-adjusted, and then put in a large cylindrical methane fermentation tank, where the decomposition of organic material produces methane gas used for power generation. At first the operation was unstable due to fluctuations in load depending on the amount and type of food scraps used, but the issue was resolved with guidance from the manufacturer. Accumulated operational know-how has enabled a consistent and, with the exception of loading the food scraps into the tank, mostly automated process, significantly reducing the amount of time and effort required.

<Pulverized food scraps being fed into the fermentation tank>
The installation of this system has cut food waste disposal costs by approximately 15 million yen per year, while bringing in about 11 million yen per year from electricity sales. Even with the roughly 10 million yen per year in additional costs from liquid waste disposal and equipment maintenance, that still comes out to a net annual cost reduction of about 16 million yen, meaning the initial cost of constructing the plant is expected to be recouped in just over ten years. Also, in fiscal year 2018 a system was installed that captures organic material as methane gas during wastewater treatment under anaerobic conditions. This methane gas is converted into thermal energy (steam) and used, resulting in an annual savings of about 6.6 million yen.
■ Feeling Society’s Response
“I truly feel this factory’s commitment to producing zero waste and the success we’ve already had at reducing our environmental impact is something to be proud of,” says the person in charge. In fiscal year 2020, the company was recognized as an Excellent Circular Business Operation by Ehime Prefecture, resulting in increased media coverage and interest from local governments and businesses in conducting factory tours, and enhancing its reputation as a company contributing to building a circular economy. What’s more, exchanges with other recognized companies are opening the door to new deals and collaborations, initiating a positive business feedback loop.

<Fermentation Tank (Cylindrical Building)>
■ Reducing Environmental Impact Even Further
When ready-made meals go unsold, it directly contributes to food loss. To combat this, Fuji has implemented an AI-based sales forecasting system, allowing them to reduce food loss by adjusting their sales plan on a day by day basis. This has helped reduce their environmental impact and secure profits. Efforts are also underway to reduce plastic waste by cutting down the weight of food trays. And, they are working with industry groups like the Japan Ready-made Meal Association (of which they are a member) and fellow retailers to reduce waste across the sector by promoting the introduction of new technologies and sharing know-how.
As society and lifestyles evolve, Fuji is expanding their ready-made meal business while simultaneously enacting various initiatives aimed at building a circular economy. I hope that by learning about these initiatives, we consumers are inspired to reconsider our own daily food-related behaviors and do our part to make their efforts more effective.
扎根地域的超级市场,构筑循环经济的挑战——株式会社FUJI Delica PC(流程中心)
随着社会意识到SDGs的重要性,各个地方都在摸索向循环型社会转变,与我们生活相关的企业在采取怎样的应对措施呢?经营超市的㈱FUJI是爱媛县民最熟悉的企业之一。该公司的株式会社FUJI Delica PC是为中四国地区富士全部100多个店铺制造销售用的熟食(便当、色拉、切好的蔬菜等)的公司。(根据2024年3月的组织架构变更,㈱FUJI Delica Quality被母公司合并成为该中心)。

负责人介绍说“我们首先考虑的是工厂垃圾的零排放,实现环境负担的降低,对此我们感到很高兴。” 2020年度该公司被爱媛县认定为优良循环型事业所,有机会在媒体上进行了介绍,参观工厂的自治体和企业也在增加,作为循环型社会构建贡献企业的认知也在提高。另外,获得同一认证企业之间的交流也在不断推进,逐渐向交易和合作的方向推进,商业上的良性循环也已经开始。
