四国のおすすめ [徳島県] 2022/12/27

持続可能な森林経営が多面的な生態系サービスを創出 橋本林業 / Sustainable Forest Management Creates Multifaceted Ecological Services – Hashimoto Ringyo / 可持续的森林经营创造出了多方面的生态服务 桥本林业




※OECM(Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures)











Sustainable Forest Management Creates Multifaceted Ecological Services – Hashimoto Ringyo

Hashimoto Ringyo began planting trees along the middle to upper reaches of the Nakagawa River in Tokushima in 1907. The Hashimoto family have been full-time independent foresters for four generations, and the company is currently run and managed by three family members.

This fiscal year, they participated in the first phase of a pilot program by the Ministry of the Environment to designate natural coexistence sites that establish and manage “OECMs” to meet the goals of the 30 by 30 initiative. They received a passing evaluation from the panel of judges, attracting attention from the standpoint of preserving biodiversity.

※30 by 30 Initiative

30 by 30 is a worldwide initiative to put biodiversity, which has been in decline, on the path to recovery by 2030. Its goal is to designate 30% of the earth’s land and ocean areas as protected areas by 2030.

※OECM (Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures)

Other effective area-based conservation measures or “OECMs” are sites outside of natural parks, bird sanctuaries, forest preserves and other protected areas, that are enacting effective measures to preserve biodiversity — that is, places where humans and nature coexist.

In November of this year, I had the opportunity to walk through a mountain forest and hear an explanation of their specific operations.

Hashimoto Ringyo owns about 113 ha of forest divided into 10 equal parts, and thins about 10 ha every year to create a multi-layered forest with an average tree age of around 80 years. Many tall Japanese chinquapin trees can be seen standing side by side with fine, straight-growing Japanese cedars, giving a distinctly different impression than most planted forests. “We leave evergreen trees on the ridges to protect against typhoons, wind, and rain,” my host tells me. “We try to conduct our operations by carefully observing nature.” Kuromoji grows thick in the lower layers of the cedar forest, and light filters in through the canopy above, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

■High-density work paths have been made, and it has been well-thinned and maintained as a planted forest with diverse tree ages.

■We received an explanation and deepened our understanding of operations that contribute to disaster prevention.

As a natural planted forest, a mixed coniferous forest of momi fir, Japanese zelkova, Japanese cedar and Japanese oak has formed mainly along the ridges and valleys. Over 250 species of plants have been confirmed, including 10 on the Tokushima Prefecture Red List. And, the fallen leaves from broad-leaved trees become humus, creating fertile soil with high water retention, which nurtures healthy trees. The preservation of shrubs and underbrush also contributes to increased water retention, which has been confirmed by the results of specialist’s surveys to reduce peak flow during flooding compared to other forested areas.

Moreover, one of the defining features of this mountain forest is its high density of work paths, measuring around 2.3 meters across with a cut and fill slope height within 1.4 meters as a rule. The paths are designed so that felled trees can be efficiently carried out on either a 2 ton truck or a 3 ton forwarder, with less load to maintain the integrity of the slope, and with consideration for the flow of water.

“Even in forestry, there are trends and fads. While there was a time when we outsourced our operations, now we are working as a family to determine what will remain the same and what needs to improve.” In the forestry business, where day to day operations are carried out with a long view toward their impact on nature, I felt that Hashimoto Ringyo’s management philosophy and policies, carried out as a family are a realization of sustainable forest management.

Walking through the forest while learning about Hashimoto Ringyo’s operations not only deepened my understanding of how forestry can maintain planted forests with a variety of tree ages through proper thinning, and create beautiful, biodiverse forests with excellent water retention that won’t collapse, it also provided an opportunity to expand my conception of what an OECM can be.


可持续的森林经营创造出了多方面的生态服务 桥本林业








桥本林业把所有的约113公顷的森林分成10等份,每年将其疏伐至约10公顷,使其成为平均树龄约80年的多层森林。 两旁是笔直生长的锦绣雪松,有许多高大的米槠树木,给人的印象与一般的人工林的风景大不相同。 「为了防止台风、风雨等自然灾害的影响,在山脊上保留了常绿树。我们致力于认真观察自然并进行管理」。 许多大叶钓樟生长在杉树林的下面,当你抬头时,光线从树冠进入,使其成为一个宜人的森林。

■ 铺设高密度的工作道路,疏伐周到,维护不同树龄的人工林。


作为天然林业生产示范基地,在山脊和山谷线周围形成了冷杉、榉树、大叶钓樟、樫树等生长的针宽混交林,并且有250多种植物,并确认到了德岛县红色名录中列出的10种植物。 阔叶树的落叶成为覆盖物,形成营养丰富、保水的土壤,培育健康的树木。 根据专家的调查结果,与其他林地相比,灌木和灌木丛的维护也有助于提高保水能力并降低洪水洪峰的流量。


「对于林业,虽然也存在时代的潮流和意义,过去我们将森林管理外包过,但现在我们会认真鉴别哪些是需要进行改进,哪些是不需要改变的家族传承,并着手进行改善。」 在林业中,我们面对自然,从长远的角度来进行日常运营,我觉得家族在实践中的管理理念和管理政策,已经在实现了可持续发展的森林管理。
