四国のおすすめ [高知県] 2021/03/19

ジオの鼓動と人と地域をつなぐ拠点 足摺宇和海国立公園竜串ビジターセンター「うみのわ」/ A Base Connecting People, Communities, and the Pulse of the Earth: Ashizuri Uwakai National Park Tatsukushi Visitor Center “Uminowa”/ 连接地理的心跳和人与社区的基地 足摺宇和海国立公园龙串游客中心「海之和」


・つ ど う:気軽に集い語り合う場の提供




・つ く る:人と人をつなぎ、多様性を活かした新たな価値を創造する











足摺宇和海国立公園竜串ビジターセンター うみのわ
〒787-0450 高知県土佐清水市三崎4032-2

■A Base Connecting People, Communities, and the Pulse of the Earth: Ashizuri Uwakai National Park Tatsukushi Visitor Center “Uminowa”

Ashizuri Uwakai National Park Tatsukushi Visitor Center “Uminowa” was established in March 2020 in Tatsukushi, Tosa Shimizu, in southwest Kochi. It has five basic functions to teach the next generation about the area’s unique natural features and culture:

・Gathering: It offers a place for casual conversation

・Informing: Providing a place to learn through information sharing and workshops.

・Inviting: Making connections with local nature and culture

・Investigating: Surveying and supporting research

・Creating: Connecting people and making new value with diversity

In this place, you can observe the rugged majesty of land shaped by upheaval and weathering. The Japanese islands were once a part of the mainland. Most of the land here was formed at that time, by the upheaval of the layers created by plate tectonics squeezing the mud and sand at the bottom of the sea against the land.

At the Tatsukushi coast, you can see the twisted geological strata created by the frequent earthquakes and underwater landslides that occurred when Japan broke away from the mainland and moved to its current position. Magma lifted the land eventually forming Ashizuri cape, and giving the area its current form. There are many strange rocks made by natural activity, movement of the earth and traces of living things. Though you may be tempted to rush straight to the coast, I recommend going to Uminowa first to get information about the area.

While you are there, don’t just look at and touch the exhibits, ask the staff for an explanation too. You’ll be able to get a threedimensional feel of things closely related with the area’s nature, such as the connection between the forest and the ocean, people’s lives, and industry. Your intellectual curiosity will be roused along with the drama of the earth.

Of course, you’ll want to snap pictures of the beautiful scenery, but I hope you also take the time to really think about the drama of the land and all the things that lived on it.

For example, brown oxidized round lumps called concretions were formed when the components of organic remains undergo a chemical reaction. These lumps dot the coast, stuck to other rocks, making for a mysterious sight. At Uminowa you can hold them in your hand and feel their weight for yourself. Learning that something similar exists on the surface of Mars might just open your mind to the possibility of life on other planets. The fossilized tunnels dug by mud shrimp. The lace-like pattern of tafoni clusters, formed when seawater soaks into sandstone and dries, crystalizing and opening up round holes in the stone. The ripple marks created by the movement of the water. Rarities of nature like these are sure to capture your interest!

On top of that, the area around Uminowa is full of places to check out if you want to learn more about the region and experience what it has to offer. You can enjoy sandy beaches formed from seashells and coral. At the Ashizura Aquarium SATOUMI, you can learn about the ecology of Tatsukushi Bay and the surrounding ocean. There are glass-bottomed boats you can ride to observe the coral and creatures living on the seafloor. Or, see them up close from the Ashizura Seabed Museum. There is also a gallery that displays gathered seashells, and a camp site!

By learning about the past, and being aware of how the region’s land and climate, ecology, and the connection between forests and the ocean all affect our current lifestyle, industry and culture, we can reevaluate our way of life and how we should shape our future.

At Uminowa, visitors can receive support in their play, learning, and experiences from staff with various specialties, including nature guides and sightseeing concierges. Additionally, groups of around 20 people can use the facilities as a space to gather and learn from each other. I sincerely hope you are able to use it as a base to experience the nature of Tatsukushi.

Ashizuri Uwakai National Park Tatsukushi Visitor Center “Uminowa”
4032-2 Misaki, Tosashimizu, Kochi 787-0450
e-mail:uminowa◎tosashimizu-geo.jp (When you send an e-mail, please replace the ◎ with @)

连接地理的心跳和人与社区的基地 足摺宇和海国立公园龙串游客中心「海之和」
















邮件:uminowa◎tosashimizu-geo.jp ◎→@