「環境首都 あどぷと・エコスクール」における取組について Regarding Efforts in the “Eco Capital: Adopt an Eco-school” Program/ 关于组建「环境之都 Adopt・养子生态学校」
徳島県危機管理環境部環境首都課 槌谷幸司
「環境首都 あどぷと・エコスクール」とは、道路や河川で行われているアドプト(養子縁組)方式を学校の環境学習活動に適用し、「地域の人づくりを地域の企業等が支える」という考えの下、事業者・民間団体が「里親」となり、「養子」である学校の環境学習活動を支援する制度で、徳島県が平成19年度に創設した。この制度に基づき、環境の世紀と言われる21世紀をリードする「環境首都とくしま」の実現に向け、高い環境意識のもと主体的に行動する人材育成のため、大塚グループ(大塚製薬㈱、大塚化学㈱、大鵬薬品工業㈱)と学校、県内の環境活動の実践を支援するNPO法人環境首都とくしま創造センターが、毎年養子縁組の協定を締結している。令和元年度から3年度までの3年間は、徳島市加茂名南小学校が「養子」として活動している。

■Regarding Efforts in the “Eco Capital: Adopt an Eco-school” Program
Koji Tsuchitani, Eco Capital Division, Environmental Crisis Management Department, Tokushima
“Eco Capital: Adopt an Eco-school” is a system established by Tokushima Prefecture in 2007, that applies the “adopt-a” model used for roads and rivers to environmental learning activities in schools, based on the concept of “local business supporting local human resource development.” Businesses and NGOs become “foster parents,” and support the environmental learning activities of their “adopted” schools. Under this system, the Otsuka Group (Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Otsuka Chemical Co., Ltd., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and Eco-Capital Tokushima Creation Center, an NPO that supports the implementation of environmental activities in schools and in the prefecture, sign adoption agreements every year in order to nurture the development of talented people with a high sense of environmental responsibility who will proactively work to transform Tokushima into an eco-capital at the forefront of the 21st century – the century of the environment. For the first three years of Reiwa, the adopted school is Kamonaminami Elementary School in Tokushima-shi.
The primary efforts of Kamonaminami Elementary School in the first year of Reiwa were as follows:
1) Basing part of the curriculum of the fifth grade integrated studies period on the activity plan.
2) Having classes about the environment taught by outside instructors from organizations such as the Fukuroi Yosui Beautification Group and the Tokushima Environmental Conservation Section, in order for students to learn from people with real-world experience in the field.
3) Visiting Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.’s Itano, Tokushima plant to learn about the company’s environmental initiatives and biotope/ecosystem preservation efforts, and applying those lessons to the preservation of the biotope in their own school.
4) Publicizing the results of the year’s learning and efforts to a wide range of people at the school’s human rights assembly and environmental learning forum.
Regarding the curriculum and lesson plan, the school submits a preliminary draft, which is developed into a finalized plan by the three Otsuka companies and the NPO at a joint meeting. Regarding funding, the three companies and the NPO jointly contribute money, and actively work to reduce the burden on the school and support the students’ learning.
This system creates a synergistic effect when the groups that have signed the agreement actively work to protect the environment. The schools can advance a more in-depth environmental education by going beyond the boundaries of the school and learning directly from the activities of the companies. The companies can promote their own activities, and also learn about the actual situation in schools to plan future business activities while considering what kind of support is most effective. The NPO and Tokushima Prefecture can raise awareness about environmental issues among a wide range of organizations and age groups, and promote Tokushima as an eco-capital by building a variety of connections.
I believe that undertaking environmental education with the cooperation of companies is a project that can be expected to raise children’s motivation to learn, and elevate their awareness of environmental issues. I hope that it will be developed further, and become the next-generation environmental education support model.
■关于组建「环境之都 Adopt・养子生态学校」
德岛县危机管理环境部门环境首都科 槌谷幸司
所谓「环境之都 Adopt・养子生态学校」、指将整治清扫道路和河流的(领养结缘)模式、应用到学校的环保学习活动中、以「由当地企业支持当地人力资源开发」为理念、由事业者・民间组织成为「养父母」、来支持「养子」学校的环保学习活动的制度、由德岛县平成19年度创设。基于这一制度、为了带头走在被称为环保世纪的21世纪的最前列、实现「环境之都德岛」的理想、培养具备高度环保意识及主动行动观念的人材、大塚集团(大塚制药株式会社、大塚化学株式会社、大鹏制药株式会社)和NPO法人环境首都德岛创造中心、每年与学校签订领养结缘协议、以支持县内环保活动。从令和元年度到3年度的3年中、德岛市加茂名南小学作为「养子」学校参与着这一合作实践活动。