
プラごみ削減~環境首都とくしまの取組~/ Plastic Waste Reduction-Environmental Capital Tokushima’s Initiatives-/减少塑料垃圾~环境首都德岛的实践活动~





■Plastic Waste Reduction-Environmental Capital Tokushima’s Initiatives-

     The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry has announced that plastic shopping bags will require a charge from April 2020. Tokushima, which has declared the “environmental capital,” has begun to charge shopping bags ahead of the mandatory move in June 2019. The initiative has been concluded and promoted by 4, the business, the Tokushima Consumers Association, the Tokushima Environmental Prefectural Congress, and the Tokushima Prefecture. There was a contract ceremony on August 27th, with 18 businesses and 94 stores, and combined since September 1st, 19 businesses, 95 stores, and over 80% food supermarkets that operate chains in the prefecture are now charging shopping bags. At supermarkets that started charging initiatives earlier, reported that the rate of refusing plastic bags was 30% before the initiatives, but increased to 80% after the initiatives, raising the interest of citizens of the prefecture and changing behavior.

     Also, distributing eco-bags at events is common, but one of the collaborators asked, “Is distributing eco-bags eco-friendly? Why don’t you collect the paper bags and eco-bags not being used at home? ” Therefore, with the cooperation of elementary schools and supermarkets in the prefecture, excess paper bags at home and unused eco-bags have collected. Also a local idol girl group – “My Bag Girls” promotes My-Bags and spreading awareness through various methods such as calling for bringing their bags while performing live at various events.

     It is not easy to eliminate plastic from our current lives, but can there be an alternative? There is a need for a way to live wisely with plastic and shopping bags.



 另外,为普及自带购物袋,已经有了很多发放环保购物袋的活动。但在此次行动中,有参加者提出了新主意:「发放环保购物袋针真的环保吗?不如收集家中放置不用的纸袋和环保袋,再利用吧。」于是,在县内小学和超市等的帮助下,开始了回收利用自家多余的纸袋和环保购物袋的活动。另一方面,在德岛还有推进自带购物袋的当地偶像组合「My Bag Girls」在各地的活动上现场表演节目,号召自带购物袋,实行了各种各样普及启发的方法。

 让塑料从现在的生活中完全消失不是一件简单的事。但是,有的塑料真的是必须要用的吗,真的没有改变的余地吗? 以购物塑料袋为开头,让我们追求适度使用塑料的生活方式吧。