
ゴミを焼却しない日本初のトンネルコンポスト施設/Japan’s first tunnel compost burns no waste at all/ 不焚烧垃圾的日本第一家Tunnel Compost设施






■Japan’s first tunnel compost burns no waste at all

 Most of most of flammable waste from households are burned in Japan, but not so anymore in Mitoyo, Kagawa prefecture. The Biomass Recycle Center Mitoyo is located in Mitoyo city and is the first and only facility to process garbage without burning. We visited there to see and learn about the facility which started operating in April of 2017. The waste disposal facility is hardly noticeable because there is no smell or smoke, which is common for such a facility. They use a technology called “tunnel compost.” They collect flammable waste from households in Mitoyo and dispose of it with a fermenter called “bio tunnel” and a deodorizing unit called “bio filter.” There is no burning in this process so not only does it not generate any carbon dioxide but also produces no incineration ash. The heat generated in the fermentation part is used to dry the waste. Surprisingly, this dried waste can be used as solid fuel. Another surprise was innovation devised for the separation of waste. Separation used to require a lot of manpower, but a labor-saving system and the process of cutback which is required during fermentation in ordinal facility is unnecessary due to detectors and an advanced fermentation control system. Thanks to that, there is a very small number of people needed to run the facility.

 In addition, there are many other ideas and know-how to adopt European technologies here and I was happy to hear such stories. Reservation to tour the facility are required. If you are interested, check out the web page of Eco Master.

■不焚烧垃圾的日本第一家Tunnel Compost设施



这里采用的技术就是隧道堆肥(Tunnel Compost):将收集来的三丰市普通家庭产生的可燃垃圾,用叫做生物隧道的发酵槽和叫做生物滤网的脱臭装置组合处理。


不仅如此,我还听到了为了让从欧洲引进的设备适应这处场所而采用的各种各样的方法和技术诀窍。参观学习设施是有条件的,必须事先申请。对此有兴趣的各位,请浏览(株)Eco Master的主页。