
愛媛県西予市で行う「3しょくプログラム」/ “Sanshoku Program” in Seiyo, Ehime/ 爱媛县西予市实施的“3 Shoku计划”



そして昨年からは「Green Gift地球元気プログラム」で新たなプロジェクトに取り組んでいる。本プログラムは、東京海上日動火災保険株式会社が顧客との契約時に「ご契約のしおり(約款)」等をホームページで閲覧することを選択することで発生する紙資源使用料削減額の一部で国内外の環境保護活動をサポートする取り組みで、現在は全国21団体と協働で実施している。
(参照:東京海上日動HP http://www.tokiomarine-nichido.co.jp/world/greengift/about/

愛媛県では、どんぐり王国が実施団体となり、触(ふれる) 植(そだてる)食(あじわう)の3つの「しょく」をキーワードにした体験学習イベントを年間2回実施。8月20日には2回目のイベントが開催され、定員を超える39名の親子が参加した。




■“Sanshoku Program” in Seiyo, Ehime

 There is a “kingdom” in Seiyo city that everyone loves. Donguri Oukoku (Acorn Kingdom) is a NPO which is helping students who refuse to attend school or stay shut indoors at home. It also helps the parents of such students. The goal is to get the student to return to school and to rejoin society, and support child care generally. The organization is located in Uwa in Seiyo city where you can find Kannonsui, one of the Selection of 100 Japan Water. At Donguri Oukoku, one can experience agriculture and can touch cows, horses, chickens, dogs, and goats. The rich nature and the animals have been healing many children.

 The organization has been working on a new project funded by “Green Gift Earth Genki Program”. Tokio Maritime Nichido Fire Insurance runs this program with funds they raised by reducing paper costs by choosing to show contract agreements on the Internet instead of on paper. The project is now being done with 21 groups around Japan. Donguri Oukoku is one of the operators of the program in Ehime and holding events twice a year with the keyword of three different meaning of Japanese “Shoku”, touch, grow, and taste. A second event was held August 20 and an overflow audience of 39 people gathered.

 For the first and second shoku – touch and grow – they set a theme of touching nature through observing the biotope and touring the headwaters so participants can see the condition of the pool, the creatures living there and the growth of plants that they planted in the first event held in May. It was impressive that lecturer deepened his lecture by communicating with children.

 For the third shoku – taste – was one that all staff and participants were looking forward to. It was a very original event that only the “kingdom” (that farm) can do because of its recycle-based organic agriculture using compost from cows, horses and chickens. With the help of ladies in the child care support division, we had an awesome lunch like barley rice using barley produced on the kingdom, Satsuma soup, fresh eggs and vegetables.

 There are many repeaters of the event and even some families have been taking part in it since the very first event. This is the hub of a people’s network and a place to learn from each other. With such a task, it is worth to keep an eye on the kingdom to see what kind of gift they will bring to kids for the future.

■爱媛县西予市实施的“3 Shoku计划”



不仅如此,去年开始还开展了新企划“Green Gift地球健康计划”。此计划指的是,东京海上日动火灾保险株式会社与顾客订立契约时,通过网页阅览契约条款,节省下来的纸资源费用的一部分则用于支持国内外的环境保护活动。如今已有全国21个团体参加了合作。





团栗王国的活动拥有很多常客,此次实施的“3 Shoku 计划”中也出现了来了第一次活动后继续参加的亲子的身影。作为连结大家、共同学习的地点,团栗王国今后还会给本地的孩子们送来怎样的欢乐呢,请大家拭目以待。